Family-Friendly University
The academic offices and the central University institutions jointly support your efforts to balance your family, job, and academic obligations.
- Universität Hamburg's Family Office is the central point of contact and information for students as well as for academic, administrative, and technical staff. If you have questions or concerns about childcare or taking care of relatives, it offers advice and services, including the parent-child room, emergency care, and flexible caregiving.
- Studierendenwerk Hamburg's family services supports pregnant University members, prospective students, and students with children to explore prospects and solutions to individual matters related to studying and everyday life. We focus on topics involving organizational, financial, and private law issues as well as care options.
- The academic offices help you organize studies and exams in a family-friendly way. Academic coordinators provide information and advice about how to plan the course of your studies and, if needed, help you develop individual solutions for specific requirements. The important thing is to contact your academic offices as soon as possible if you need individual advice.