MSc PEP and MSc Economics: Workshop Research Literature
3 July 2023
This is a workshop offer of the WiSo library.
You have your topic and want to get a first glimpse on the research literature? You want to access the latest research literature on your topic? Learn a systematic approach where to start your literature search and how to use the resources and literature databases that are available to you through the library and the internet. We pay special attention to databases and resources in the PEP subjects and propose an efficient workflow.
- Identify the best databases for your topic
- Form the search query for your topic
- Apply your search query in the relevant databases and tipps how to improve your search
Time and Place
- Wednesday, 5 July 2023, 16:00-17:30, in Zoom
Please send an email to bib-schulung.wiso"AT" no later than 4 July 2023, and include
- the topic of your thesis and
- if you would be interested in an additional workshop for Citavi or Zotero (if yes, please indicate which program).