Former employees
With this section, we would like to pay tribute to all former employees and doctoral candidates without whose valuable contributions in research, teaching and academic self-administration the professorship would simply be unimaginable.
Research associates
Doctoral candidates
Dr. phil. Christian Graf
Dissertation topic: Effektivität von Umweltmanagementsystemen – Eine neo-institutionelle Analyse am Beispiel von ISO 14001
Dr. phil. Patrick Heinecke
Dissertation topic: Success Factors of Regional Strategies for Multinational Corporations – Appropriate Degrees of Management Autonomy and Product Adaptation
Dr. phil. Iris Hofmann
Dissertation topic: Deliberative Stakeholder-Dialoge multinationaler Unternehmen – Ein Ansatz zur Legitimation politischer Verantwortung
Dr. rer. pol. Kristin Elisabeth Huber
Dissertation topic: The Political Role of Multinational Corporations in Global Supply Chains – Examining the Legitimacy, Challenges and Prospects of Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives
Dr. rer. pol. Sebastian Fabian Knab
Dissertation topic: Business model innovation in the Age of sustainable development: New perspectives based on Transition and strategic cognition theory and cases from the German energy industry
Dr. phil. Michael Müller
Dissertation topic: Internationale Markenstrategien: Empirische Untersuchung in der Automobilbranche zur Erfolgswirkung der Markenstandardisierung auf den Markenwert
Dr. rer. pol. Maximilian J. L. Schormair
Dissertation topic: Creating Value by Sharing Values – Pluralistic Stakeholder Management through Discursive Justification
Dr. rer. pol. Tim Wolf
Dissertation topic: Praktiken der Geschäftsmodellgestaltung im strategischen Management: Eine Activity-Theory-basierte Fallstudienuntersuchung
Student assistants
Juan Cristobal Espinoza Castillo
Lisa Hartmann
Kira Herrenknecht
Marie Hlawatschek
Kevin Högy
Janis Hollnagel
Ferdinand Jung
Svenja Kühn
Morten Luchtmann
Kathrin Nimpsch
Bettina Riekenberg
Luisa Schümann
Mathias Timmler