Corporate Social Responsibility in Theorie und Praxis
CSR Theorie&Praxis | 23-21.932.191 Corporate Social Responsibility in Theory and Practice |
Lehrende | Stefanie Schrage |
Veranstaltungsart | Seminar |
Kommentare/Inhalte: |
This course takes a critical look at corporate social responsibility from the perspective of business and corporate ethics. Various theories and approaches to corporate responsibility will be presented and critically evaluated. The aim is to understand the special features of the respective positions and to work out their differences. Responsibility postulates remain inconsequential if their findings are not applied in practice. Accordingly, practical examples and current approaches to the concrete assumption of responsibility by companies are discussed, e.g. through standards and labels or the “UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights”. |
Lernziel: | The aim of the course is to give students an insight into the research field of business and corporate ethics in order to be able to deal with questions of corporate social responsibility in a differentiated manner. In addition to content-related knowledge, academic skills are also to be acquired. These include sensitization to problems of business and corporate ethics, critical thinking, argumentation and reflection skills, an improved general understanding of texts and a better understanding of the differences between theory and practice. Students should also be able to apply the content they have learned to specific practical problems. |
Vorgehen: |
We use various didactic concepts to convey content and scientific skills. In addition to lecture elements, there is sufficient space for students to think and work independently, e.g. in the form of group work, case studies and discussions. A high level of interaction between students and lecturers is expressly encouraged. Students are also expected to prepare and follow up the content of the course independently using the recommended literature sources. Students work as a group on a presentation and independently on a term paper. |
Literatur: |
The following book provides a good overview of the central themes of the event: Aßländer, M. S. (Hrsg.) (2011): Handbuch Wirtschaftsethik, Stuttgart. Further literature references will be provided during the course. |
Zusätzliche Hinweise zu Prüfungen |
Important: PLEASE only register for this course if you seriously intend to attend and complete the course. The course is completed in the form of a term paper (independent) with an oral presentation (group). |