Strategische Unternehmensführung
Strat.UFü | 23-21.955.161 Strategic Corporate Management |
Lehrende | Prof. Dr. Dirk Ulrich Gilbert, Jordis Grimm, Anna-Lena Punken |
Veranstaltungsart | Lecture + Tutorial |
Kommentare/Inhalte: | The field of strategic management is of current importance for both practice and business theory. Dealing with the strategic aspects of corporate management seems not only attractive, but also necessary. Long-term survival on the market and the sustainable achievement of competitive advantages are generally not primarily attributable to indicators such as the size or age of a company, but rather to its successful strategies. The development and implementation of strategies are therefore key tasks for the management of companies. In order to create a broad and comprehensible basis for understanding strategic management, this lecture first explains important basic terms, the history of development and the purpose of strategic management. A process model of strategic management is then presented and its key phases discussed in detail. Important instruments and decision-making aids of strategic management (e.g. business model analysis) are presented and illustrated using concrete practical examples. The lecture "Strategic Management" covers the following topics in detail: 1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose and Areas of Responsibility in Strategic Management 1.2 Definition of Terms 1.3 Research of Areas and Paradigms in Strategic Management 2. A Conception of Strategic Management 2.1 Overview of the Concept 2.2 Formulating the Vision and Setting Strategic Goals 2.3 Segmentation of the Business 2.4 Strategic Analysis as a Prerequisite for Formulating Strategies 2.5 Strategy Definition 2.6 Strategy Implementation and Strategic Control 2.7 Strategic Management and Ethical Reflection 3. Outlook |
Lernziel: | The aim of the lecture is to give students an insight into the research field of strategic management. They should also be able to apply the content they have learned to specific practical problems and independently analyze strategic decisions made by companies. |
Vorgehen: |
In the lectures, the basic concepts and theories of strategic management are explained and combined with practical application references. From a methodological point of view, PowerPoint slides are used as a framework for discussing the content to be discussed. These slides serve more as a visual “stimulus” and not as a substitute for a lecture manuscript. Students are therefore strongly advised to supplement the lecture slides with their own notes. The PowerPoint slides for the lectures are accessible via STINE and should be downloaded by the students before the lecture. The tutorials aim to deepen the subject areas of the lecture “Strategic Management” and to transfer the theories of strategic management to practical examples of companies. The tutorials have a scope of 2 SWS. They are an essential part of the course “Strategic Management” and serve in particular as preparation for the final exam. By means of group work, presentations and discussions, students learn to characterize corporate strategies and to analyse and assess the relevant framework conditions of strategic management. In addition, the tutorials provide space for questions and critical comments. Further details on the content of the tutorials will be announced in the lecture and in the tutorials themselves. Students have individual responsibility for their learning success, which depends on their personal commitment, attendance of lectures and the time they invest in self-study and literature work for the subject “Strategic Management”. The content discussed in the lectures should be prepared and followed up using the textbook listed below and other recommended literature sources. |
Literatur: | The content and structure of the lecture is closely based on the following book: Kreikebaum, Hartmut/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Behnam, Michael (2011): Strategisches Management, 7. Auflage, Stuttgart – Berlin – Köln. |
Zusätzliche Hinweise zu Prüfungen |
The course is completed in the form of a written exam (90 minutes)! The time and place of the exam will be announced during the lecture and via STINE. 3. Allocation |