News (2022)26 September 2022|BoehnkeWorking Group Social Change at the DGS in Bielefeld 2022Ad Hoc Group "Polarized Care Worlds. Social Negotiations of Care Gaps" of the joint project Sorgetransformationen with a contribution by Miriam...25 August 2022|BoehnkeTalk Miriam Laschinski at the ESPANet Conference 2022 in ViennaMiriam Laschinski will give a talk at the ESPANET Conference 2022 in Vienna with the title: "Defamilization? Not for everyone! Unequal labor market...25 July 2022|BoehnkeNew Article Published: With a Little Help from My Peer Clique ...Fischer-Neumann, M. and Böhnke, P. (2022). With a Little Help from My Peer Clique: Mitigating the Intergenerational Transmission of Poverty. European...31 May 2022|BoehnkeNew article: The Importance of Employment for Living Standards in the Context of PovertyUnemployment is considered the main cause of income poverty and deprivation. Over the past decades, however, the share of working poor has also...21 February 2022|BoehnkeNow hiring new student assistentWe wish to hire a new student assistent as of May 2022 - please find the necessary information (in German) here.