Gabriel Mondragón Toledo
Photo: Gabriel Mondragón Toledo
Doctoral student Prof. Wiener (since November 2019)
The Myths of War and Peace in Practices of Global Governance of Disarmament
I propose a study focused on the narrative side of myths arguing it contributes to explain the reasons for which specific socio-political conditions prevail by analyzing the surge of specific understandings and beliefs, the way in which they gain traction, and appear desirable. The study of the Myths of War and Peace within the Global Governance of Disarmament processes becomes an interesting approach in order to understand the legitimacy and contestation of arms transfer policies within the different social and political actors involved.
It aims to explain the development of such myths, how they come into historical being, how they are perpetuated, adapted, and redefined, the circumstances that lead them to lose their appeal and then decline. I delve into their performative effects addressing the way in which these myths are embedded in the political discourses, protests and movements aiming to the achievement of peace in order to examine how the current disarmament governance is unfolding in practice. Therefore, I intend to carry out a multi-sited hypothesis oriented ethnographical research focusing on cultural behavior, cultural knowledge, and cultural artifacts.
The project is funded by the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, CONACYT (Mexican National Council for Science and Technology).
Research Topics
- Theory of International Relations
- Disarmament
- Discourse analysis
- Advocacy coalitions
- Arms Transfers