Research Projects
Current Projects:
- Chemkom – Strategic science communication on the risks of forever chemicals, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research
WEBB – Wissenstransfer-NEtzwerk OBstbau-Böden im Alten Land, funded by UHH Transferfonds
- Scientific Reputation Revisited: Academic Travel and Conference Interaction, funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
- WISDOM: Knowledge transfer as a wicked problem – An analysis based on the COVID-19 case, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research within the funding scheme „Science and Higher Education Research“
CLICCS: Climate, Climatic Change, and Society (DFG-cluster of excellence), subproject B1 „Social Constructions of Climate Futures“
Accomplished Projects:
- NorQuATrans: Normativity, Objectivity and Quality Assurance of Transdisciplinary Processes, Collaboration with Helmholtz Institute for Climate Service Science (HICSS)
PANDORA – Paradigm for Novel Dynamic Oceanic Resource Assessments: Co-operation with the department Experimentelle biologische Ozeanographie, CEN, Universität Hamburg and 25 European partners, EU-funding
Academic Travel: Doing science, meetingness and co-presence, Working Group at Center for Sustainable Society Research (CSS)
- Uncertain 2 Degrees: Coping with Uncertainty in Climate Sciences and Society: Co-operation of 7 CliSAP researchers from different disciplines, supported by the Universitätskolleg Lehrlabor
- An assessment reassessed: Interdisciplinary reflections on the IPCC process: Co-operation with Institut für Journalistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft and Institut für Geophysik, Universität Hamburg, supported in CliSAP-Ideenwettbewerb
- Scales in the Climate System: Co-operation of 10 CliSAP resarchers from different disciplines, supported in CliSAP-Ideenwettbewerb
- Netzwerkanalyse von Tagungsinteraktion mittels RFID-Technik: Co-operation with the department Knowledge and Data Engineering, Universität Kassel
- Transdisziplinäre Dialoge – Literaturüberblick und Forschungsperspektiven: Co-operation with Climate Service Center, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht and the Institut für sozial-ökologische Forschung, Frankfurt