Dr. Sven Lundie
Affiliated Researcher
Short bio
Dr. Sven Lundie is Lecturer at the School of Business, Economics and Social Science of University of Hamburg and an Adjunct Associate Professor at School of Civil and Environmental Engineering of UNSW Sydney (Australia). He received his PhD degree at the Leuphana University Lüneburg with a research focus on decision making in LCA under consideration of societal values. Sven is an industrial engineer by training (Karlsruhe Institute for Technology, Germany). Sven's research interests are in sustainability, sustainable innovation, decarbonisation and science-based target setting.
Since 2020 Sven is Partner at ERM in Hamburg. He is heading the Corporate Sustainability and Climate Change team CS&CC in Central Europe. He is in charge of companies' and product transition towards a higher level of sustainability. One key aspect of this journey is the alignment with the 1.5° carbon reduction target. As a management consultant, Sven has a passion for facilitation and coaching and the transition towards sustainability and sustainable innovation in the corporate environment.
From 2017-2019 he was Business Unit Leader for Sustainability, Innovation and Quality Management at Deutsche Fertighaus Holding. Between 2005 and 2016 Sven was working as a Principal Sustainability Strategy Consultant for Sphera (formerly thinkstep AG) and as a Senior Manager for Metaplan GmbH. Prior to that (1999-2005), he worked as an Associate Professor for Sustainable Water Management | UNSW Sydney (Australia) and as a Senior Researcher | Center for Environmental Science at Leiden University (the Netherlands; 1996-1998).
Peer-reviewed journal papers
Lundie, S., Wiedmann, T., Welzel, M., Busch, T (2018): Analysing hotspots of global supply chains – A generic application of a multi-regional-input-output-model to a company in the wind energy sector. Submitted to: Journal of Cleaner Production.
Alvarez-Gaitan, J. P., Short, M. D., Lundie, S., Stuetz, R. (2016): Towards a comprehensive greenhouse gas emissions inventory for biosolids. Water Research, 96, 299-307.
Gollnow, S., Lundie, S., McLaren, J., van Buuren, N., Moore, A., Thylmann, D., Rehl, T. & Christie, K. (2014): Carbon footprint of dairy production in Australian. International Dairy Journal, 37(1), 31-38.
Rowley, H., Peters, G., Lundie, S. & Moore, S. (2012): Aggregating sustainability indicators: Beyond the weighted sum. Journal of Environmental Management, 111(2012), 24-33.
Lenzen, M. & Lundie, S. (2012): Constructing enterprise input-output tables – a case study of New Zealand dairy products. Journal of Economic Structures, 1(1), 6.
Rowley H., Lundie S. & Peters G. (2009): A hybrid LCA model for comparison with conventional methodologies in Australia. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 14(6) 508-516.
Peters, G., Sack, F., Lenzen, M., Lundie, S. & Gallego, B. (2008): Towards a deeper and broader ecological footprint. Engineering Sustainability, 161, 31-37.
Lai, E., Lundie, S. & Ashbolt, N. (2008): Review of multi-criteria decision aid for integrated sustainability assessment of urban water systems. Urban Water Journal, 5(4), 315-327.
Peters, G. & Lundie, S. (2008): Life cycle assessment of biosolids processing options. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 5(2), 103-121.
Lai, E., Lundie, S. & Ashbolt, N. (2007): A new approach to aid urban water management decision making using trade-off sacrifice modelled by fuzzy logic. Water Science and Technology, 56(8), 11-20.
Peters, G., Sack, F., Lenzen, M., Lundie, S. & Gallego, B. (2007): A new ecological footprint calculation for the Australian water industry: Regionalisation and inclusion of downstream impacts. Journal of Applied Input-Output Analysis, 11-12, 73-90.
Lundie, S., Huijbregts, M., Rowley, H., Mohr, N. & Feitz, A. (2007): Australian characterisation factors and normalisation figures for human toxicity and ecotoxicity. Journal of Cleaner Production, 15(8-9), 819-832.
Lundie, S., Dwyer, L. & Forsyth, P. (2007): Environmental-economic measures of tourism yield. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 15(5), 503-519.
Feitz, A., Lundie, S., Dennien, G., Morain, M. & Jones, M. (2007): Generation of an industry-specific physico-chemical allocation matrix – Application in the dairy industry and implications for systems analysis. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 12(2), 109-117.
Dwyer, L., Forsyth, P., Fredline, L., Deery, M., Jago, L. & Lundie, S. (2007): Yield measures for special-interest Australian inbound tourism markets. Tourism Economics, 13(3), 421-440.
Tangsubkul, N., Parameshwaran, K., Lundie, S., Fane, A. & Waite, D. (2006): Environmental life cycle assessment of microfiltration process. Journal of Membrane Science, 284(1-2), 214-226.
Wood, R., Lenzen, M., Dey, C. & Lundie, S. (2006): A comparative study of some environmental impacts of conventional and organic farming in Australia. Agricultural Systems, 89(2-3), 324-348.
Lundie S., Peters G., Ashbolt N., Lai E. & Livingston, D. (2006): A sustainability framework for the Australian water industry. Water, 33(7), 83-88.
Lundie, S. & Peters, G. (2005): Life cycle assessment of food waste management options. Journal of Cleaner Production, 13(3), 275-286.
Tangsubkul, N., Beavis, P., Moore, S., Lundie, S. & Waite, D. (2005): Life cycle assessment of water recycling technology. Water Resources Management, 19(5), 521-537.
Lundie, S., Peters, G. & Beavis, P. (2005): Quantitative systems analysis as a strategic planning approach for metropolitan water service providers. Water Science and Technology, 52(9), 11-20.
Lundie, S., Peters, G. & Beavis, P. (2004): Life cycle assessment for sustainable metropolitan water systems planning. Environmental Science & Technology, 38(13), 3465-3473.
Beavis, P. & Lundie, S. (2003): Integrated environmental assessment of tertiary and residuals treatment - LCA in the wastewater industry. Water Science and Technology, 47(7-8), 109-116.
Lenzen, M., Lundie, S., Bransgrove, G., Charet, L. & Sack, F. (2003): Assessing the ecological footprint of a large metropolitan water supplier - lessons for water management and planning towards sustainability. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 46(1), 113-141.
Huijbregts, M., Lundie, S., McKone, T. & Van de Meent, D. (2003): Geographical scenario uncertainty in generic fate and exposure factors of toxic pollutants for life-cycle impact assessment. Chemosphere, 51(6), 501 –508.
Feitz, A. & Lundie, S. (2002): Soil salination: A local life assessment impact category. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 7(4), 244-249.
Peters, G. & Lundie, S. (2002): Life cycle assessment of biosolids processing options. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 5(2), 103-121.
Grant, T., James, K. & Lundie, S. (2001): ALCAS: Australian LCA Society – New LCA group to promote life cycle assessment in Australia. International Journal of LCA, 6(6), 323-324.
Peereboom, E., Kleijn, R., Lemkowitz, S. & Lundie, S. (1999): Influence of inventory data sets on life cycle assessment results: A case study on PVC. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 2(3), 109-130.
Lundie, S. & Huppes, G. (1999): Environmental assessment of products: The ranges of societal preferences method. International Journal of LCA, 4(1), 7-15.
Lundie, S. (1998): A different key role of participation in LCA. Milieu – tijdschrift voor Milieukunde, 13, 109-110.
Books and book chapters
Lundie, S., Ashbolt, N., Livingston, D., Lai, E., Kärrman, E., Blaikie, J. & Anderson, J. (2008): Methodology for evaluating the overall sustainability of urban water systems. Sustainability Framework. Water Services Association of Australia.
Lundie, S., Peters, G. & Ashbolt, N. (2008): A review comparing the WSAA Sustainability Framework to the Gold Coast Waterfuture process. Sustainability Framework. WSAA Occasional Paper No.17. February. Water Services Association of Australia.
Lundie, S. & Lenzen, M. (2008): Quantitative Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung ohne Systemgrenzen. Internetgestützte Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung, eds Isenmann R., Gomez M., Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin.
Ciroth, A., Lundie, S. & Huppes, G. (2007): Inventory methods in LCA - Towards Consistency and Improvement. VDM Verlag.
Dwyer, L., Forsyth, P., Fredline, L., Jago, L., Deery, M. & Lundie, S. (2006): Concepts of tourism yield and their measurement, 1, CRC Sustainable Tourism Pty Ltd, Australia.
Lundie, S. (1999): Ökobilanzierung und Entscheidungstheorie – Praxisorientierte Produktbewertung unter Berücksichtigung gesellschaftlicher Werthaltungen. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Berlin.
Behrendt, S., Kreibich, R., Lundie, S., Pfitzner, R. & Scharp, M. (1997): Ökobilanzierung komplexer Elektronikprodukte - Innovationen und Umweltentlastungspotentiale durch Lebenszyklusanalyse. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Berlin.
Lundie, S. (1997): Softwareunterstützte Ökobilanzierung von komplexen Produkten am Beispiel von Fernsehgeräten. Schmidt, M., Häuslein, A.: Ökobilanzierung mit Computerunterstützung - Produktbilanzen und betriebliche Bilanzen mit dem Programm Umberto, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Berlin.
Selected publications for clients
UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative (2015): Guidance on Organizational life cycle assessment. United Nations Environment Programme.
European Commission (2012a): Life cycle indicators framework: development of life cycle based macro-level monitoring indicators for resources, products and waste for the EU-27. European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Environment and Sustainability.
European Commission (2012b): Life cycle indicators for resources: development of life cycle based macro-level monitoring indicators for resources, products and waste for the EU-27. European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Environment and Sustainability.
European Commission (2012c): Life cycle indicators basket-of-products: development of life cycle based macro-level monitoring indicators for resources, products and waste for the EU-27. European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Environment and Sustainability.
European Commission (2012d): Life cycle indicators for waste management: development of life cycle based macro-level monitoring indicators for resources, products and waste for the EU-27. European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Environment and Sustainability.
Lundie, S., Peters, G., Ashbolt, N., Lai, E. & Livingston, D. (2007): The role of assessment tools in a sustainability framework for the Australian water industry. Proceedings of Ozwater 2007, 4-8 March, Sydney.
König, B., Diehl, K., Kuntosch, A. & Lundie, S. (2014): Can action research support sustainable innovation pathways? Conference: XXVth Congress of the European Society for Rural Sociology, 29. July - 1. August 2013, At Florence, Italy, Volume: Rural resilience and vulnerability: The rural as locus of solidarity and conflict in times of crisis (eProceeding).