Prof. Ole Jacob Sending, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs
Foto: Ole Jacob Sending
Gastforscher (November 2016)
Prof. Ole Jacob Sending wurde von der Research Area 4 des Centrums für Globalisierung und Governance eingeladen. Neben einem öffentlichen Vortrag wird er an einem Workshop mit Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern der RA4 sowie anderen Institutionen teilnehmen. Dies dient der weiteren Vernetzung und Ausarbeitung von möglichen gemeinsamen Forschungsprojekten.
Prof. Ole Jacob Sending ist Direktor des Norwegian Institute of International Affairs NUPI
Hier der Abstract zum Vortrag und seiner Forschungsarbeit
That we have to understand representation to understand the broader vocabulary of contemporary politics is in one sense self-evident. It is nonetheless quite remarkable that, with a few exceptions, there is scarcely little theoretical discussion about the nature and role of representation in the establishment of agency and authority beyond the state. I argue here that we need to better understand how claims to representation are involved in the establishment of international authority and international agency. In developing this argument, I engage with Ann Orford’s path-breaking work on how claims to protection have established and expanded international authority over time. I argue
that claims to representation are prior to claims to protection, as the former determine the boundaries of what is to be protected and on what grounds. I explore this dynamic through an analysis of some key opera- tions of the League of Nations and the United Nations that have been set up in the name of ‘protection.’ I show that the meaning of protection varies considerably over time, depending on how different actors have claimed to represent and thus invest the ‘international community’ with different meanings.