HEPS³ - Winter Semester 2022/23
Please find the HEPS³ Seminar Program of the Winter Semester 2022/23 as PDF.
From October 2022 - February 2023 we welcomed
- Jude C. Hays (University of Pittsburgh)
- Daniela Donno (University of Cyprus)
- Matthew Gabel (Washington University St. Louis)
- Daniel Bischof (Aarhus University & University of Zurich)
- Amy Pond (Technical University Munich)
- Pablo Beramendi (Duke University)
- Sabine C. Carey (University of Mannheim)
- Mariaelisa Epifanio (University of Liverpool)
Vera E. Troeger – Professor for Comparative Political science
Kai-Uwe Schnapp – Professor for Political Science, especially methods
Max Schaub – Assistant Professor of Political Science with a focus on International Relations and Global Health