PolMeth Europe
The PolMeth Europe brings together junior and senior scholars interested in innovative research methods and their applications. The conference follows the well-established PolMeth format: Faculty and postdocs have the opportunity to present papers and receive in-depth feedback. PhD students present their research in poster format, with abundant opportunity for input from more senior colleagues.
From March 11 to March 12, 2022 the University of Hamburg hosted the second PolMeth Europe Conference. The conference was held as a hybrid conference with many people in Hamburg and some presenters, mainly from overseas, joining the panels online. It was a great opportunity after more than two years of the pandemic to talk and meet again in person and to bring together great scholars with great ideas. The interesting 2-day program was offering keynote speeches, great paper and poster sessions, diversity networking meeting and some social events.
The keynote speeches were delivered by Professor Betsy Sinclair, President of the Society of Political Methodology and Vera Troeger, Professor for Comparative Politics University Hamburg. Betsy Sinclair was presenting her research on "Legislative Communication and Power". Vera Troeger gave her speech about the "Political Methodology in Europe."
The PolMeth Europe brings together junior and senior scholars interested in innovative research methods and their applications. The conference follows the well-established PolMeth format: Faculty and postdocs have the opportunity to present papers and receive in-depth feedback. PhD students present their research in poster format, with abundant opportunity for input from more senior colleagues.
The conference was a great success.
We are looking forward to the next PolMeth Europe Meeting 2023! Please find more information on the PolMeth Europe Website.