HPS³ - Raluca L. Pahontu - Resemblance and Discrimination in ElectionsWe welcome Raluca L. Pahontu on Wednesday, 15 May 2024 to the HPS Seminar Series
15. Mai 2024, 17:15 Uhr
The Hamburg Political Science Seminar Series (HPS³) features international speakers presenting cutting-edge research in empirical political science and political economy.
We welcome on Wednesday, 15 May 2024 17:15-18:45 CET in VMP9 A 411
Raluca L. Pahontu (King's College London)
Title: Resemblance and Discrimination in Elections (with Stavros Poupakis, Brunel University London)
Discrimination affects hiring, mating and voting decisions. Whilst discrimination in elections mainly relates to gender or race, we introduce a novel source of discrimination: candidate resemblance. When candidates' partisanship is not known, voters select those that resemble most elected co-partisans. Using a machine learning algorithm for face comparison among white male legislators, we find a stronger resemblance effect for Republicans compared to Democrats in the US. This happens because Republicans have a higher within-party facial resemblance than Democrats, even when accounting for gender and race. We find a similar pattern in the UK, where Conservative MPs are more similar looking to each other than Labour. Using a survey experiment, we find that Tory voters reward resemblance, while there is no similar effect for Labour. The results are consistent with an interpretation of this behaviour as a form of statistical discrimination
Keywords: Voter Behaviour, Discrimination, Facial Resemblance, Low-Information Election, Partisanship
The HPS³ seminars take place in person at the UHH. Please find the preliminary program on the HPS³ Website.
We invite everyone interested to attend the HPS Seminar Series and are looking forward to seeing you.