HPS³ - Jana Birke Belschner - Does female political leadership reduce mortality rates?We welcome Jana Birke Belschner (University of Bergen) on December 06 2023 to the HPS Seminar Series
6. Dezember 2023
The Hamburg Political Science Seminar Series (HPS³) features international speakers presenting cutting-edge research in empirical political science and political economy.
We welcome on December 06 2023, 17:15-18:45 CET in VMP9 B136 & via Zoom
Jana Birke Belschner (University of Bergen)
Title: Does female political leadership reduce mortality rates? (co-authored with Tor Midtbø)
Studies show that increases in women’s political representation positively affect policies such as public welfare and health spending as well as outcomes like economic growth and violence. Are these effects substantial enough to reduce population mortality? We argue that the impact of women’s representation is most pronounced where gendered differences in political leadership are largest: When women gain executive representation and for female rather than male mortality rates. Using a panel-matching design on data from across the developing world, we confirm that increases in the presence of women at the top executive level and in the cabinet lower overall adult mortality. The effects are modest, but consistent over time. The results also show that women’s representation does not reduce female mortality more than male mortality, suggesting that female political leadership is not particularly “woman-friendly”.
Keywords: gender; mortality; panel matching; political leadership; political representation
The HPS³ seminars take place in person at the UHH and are live-streamed on Zoom.
Please find the preliminary program on the HPS³ Website.
We invite everyone interested to attend the HPS Seminar Series and are looking forward to seeing you.