Talks and Conferences
Talks and Conferences:
- July 16th - 19th 2024, EASSt-4S, Amsterdam: This years edition of the quadrennial joint meeting of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST) and the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) stood under the slogan „Making and Doing Transformation“. Tanja Bogusz joined the meeting, holding a panel titled: "translating world-making or ground-truthing through FIELDS or: the political dimensions of pragmatist methodologies".
- November 15th 2023, RMZ, Berlin: Tanja Bogusz, „Meereswissen explorieren. Heterogene Kollaborationen an der Station Marine Concarneau“ ("Exploring Marine Knowledge. Heterogenous Collaborations at the Station Marine Concarneau"), Robert-Merton-Zentrum für Wissenschaftsforschung (RMZ), Humboldt Universität zu Berlin.
- September 9th 2023, HAW, Hamburg: Tanja Bogusz taking part in the panel-discussion with the topic „Fit for 2045: Forschen für ein zukunftssicheres Energiesystem” ("fit for 2045: doing research for a future-proof energy-system"), at the Competence Center for Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency (CC4E) at Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW).
- June 27th - 30th 2023, MARE, Amsterdam: Tanja Bogusz, “Co-Laboration in the Anthropocene. Marine Social Sciences and interdisciplinary opportunities within the UN-Ocean Decade 2021-2023” at the MARE- People and the Sea – Conference.
- May 17th 2023, Phillips-Universität Marburg: Tanja Bogusz giving a Lecture on “Meeresforschung im Anthropozän. Kollaborative Wissens-Transformationen zwischen Natur und Gesellschaft” ("Marine Research in the Anthropocence. Collaborative Knowledge-Transformations between Nature and Society") , as part of the lecture series Anthropocene Matters! – Wie das neue Erdzeitalter unsere Welt verändert. (How the New Geological Era is Changing our World).
- March 16th 2023, RWTH Aachen University: Tanja Bogusz, "Fieldwork in the Anthropocene. On the possibilities of analogical Thinking between Nature and Society”.
- March 17th 2023, RWTH Aachen University: Tanja Bogusz, "De-polarizing Nature and Society. Sociological Experimentalism in the Anthropocene”, Panel Experimental Democracy 3/3 at the STS-Hub “Circulations”.
- February 8th 2023, CAU Kiel: Tanja Bogusz, Input: „Disziplinär, interdisziplinär, transdisziplinär? Wissenschaftsforschung zwischen Expertise, Ko-Laboration und Gesellschaftsanalyse“. ("Disciplinary, interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary? Sciencestudies between Expertise, Co-Laboration and Society-Analysis."), "Science meets Society - Concepts, Methods and Case-Studies of transdiciplinary Marine-Research", Center for Ocean and Society, Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel.
- December 15th 2022, Goethe University Frankfurt: Tanja Bogusz, Keynote: "Fieldwork in the Anthropocene. Reflections on a Collaborative Methodology for Marine Social Sciences", within the Workshop "Who cares? Marine environments, climate change and responsibility", Organisation: CoRe / GRADE, Goethe University Frankfurt.
- December 8th 2022, IASS Potsdam: Tanja Bogusz talking on the DFG Roundtable Discussion Future Ocean at the Research Institute for Sustainability (IASS), Helmholtz Centre Potsdam.
- December 2nd 2022, ENS Paris: Tanja Bogusz, talk: "Fieldwork in the Anthropocene - réflexions sur la méthodologie expérimentaliste" at the École Normale Supérieure / ENS Paris.
- November 17th 2022, Hamburg University: Tanja Bogusz „Fieldwork in the Anthropocene. Reflexionen zu einem kollaborativen Konzept der Feldforschung“ ("Reflections on a Collaborative Concept of Fieldscience"), Kolloquium Sozialwissenschaftliche Klimaforschung, Universität Hamburg.
- October 19th 2022, ZMT, Bremen: Tanja Bogusz, talk: “Fieldwork in the Anthropocene. On the Possibilities of Analogical Thinking between Nature and Society” Leibniz Zentrum für Marine Tropenforschung Bremen, Lunch Seminar.
- September 26th - 30th 2022, DGS-Kongress, Bielefeld: Tanja Bogusz taking part in a Panel-Discussion on “Reallabore in Theorie und Praxis” ("Real Laboratories in Theory and Practice"), DGS-Kongress, Universität Bielefeld.
- Septemeber 26th - 30th 2022, DGS-Kongress, Bielefeld: Tanja Bogusz, talk: “Nach der ‚dritten Welle‘, mitten im Anthropozän: Wissenschaftsforschung zwischen Expertise, Ko-Laboration und Gesellschaftstheorie“, event of the section 'Science- and Technology-Studies': „Wissenschaftsforschung in polarisierten Welten“ ("Sciencestudies in Polarised Worlds"), DGS-Kongress, Universität Bielefeld.
- July 7th 2022, VW-Stiftung, Hannover: Tanja Bogusz giving the Input for the Section “Science and Technology Studies”, at the Symposium VW Stiftung „Wissenschaftsforschung im Fokus – Potentiale und neue Perspektiven“, ("Science Research in Focus - Potentials and New Perspectives"), Schloss Herrenhausen, Hannover.
- July 6th 2022, CSS, Hamburg University: Tanja Bogusz participating in the Panel Discussion "Human-Environmental Relations in Crisis - Anthropological and Sociological Perspectives" with the Lecture Series "After Sustainablity" at the Centre for Sustainable Society Research (CSS).
- May 31st 2022, Hamburg University: Tanja Bogusz giving the commentary on the Keynote of Mojib Latif (GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Kiel), titled “Nach uns die Sintflut – Wo stehen wir beim Klimaschutz?”, ("After us, the Deluge - Where do we Stand on Climate Protection?"), annual conference of the DFG-Forschungskolleg Zukünfte der Nachhaltigkeit: Modernisierung, Transformation, Kontrolle (Modernisation, Transformation, Controll), Universität Hamburg, Warburg Haus, 31.5.2022.
- May 10th 2022, Salzburg University: Tanja Bogusz taking part in a panel-discussion on “Das Experiment in Wissenschaft und Kunst” ("the Experiment in Science and Art") with Hans-Jörg Rheinberger und Simone de Angelis, organized by the Inter-University-Programme “Kunst und Wissenschaft” ("Science and Art") at the University of Salzburg, Kunstquartier Salzburg, Austria.
- March 2024: Marine stsing Panel at the Inaugural Conference of stsing e.V. “Leakage” Technische Universität Dresden.
- November 2023: “The eco-industrial transformation of the Sea – New social and cultural marine research perspectives for marine space”, Social Science & Humanities KDM Strategy Group Autumn Meeting from 29-30 November, 2023 at Helmholtz-Zentrum HEREON, Geesthacht, organized with Andreas Kannen (Hereon), Annegret Kuhn (CeOS Kiel) and Achim Schlüter (ZMT Bremen).
- June 2023: Scoping Workshop Schloss Herrenhausen.