Publications in peer-reviewed journals
W. Maennig, St. Wilhelm (2023), News and Noise in Crime Politics: The Role of Announcements and Risk Attitudes Economic Modelling, Economic Modelling 129, 106560.
D. Korenkiewicz, W. Maennig (2023), Impact of women on corporate boards of directors on product quality, Journal of Management and Governance,
G. M. Ahlfeldt, W. Maennig, S. Q. Mueller (2022), Population ageing and intergenerational conflicts in direct democracy: Separating age from cohort effects, American Journal of Aging Science and Research, 3(1), 22-26,
G. M. Ahlfeldt, W. Maennig, S. Q. Mueller (2022), The generation gap in direct democracy: Age vs. cohort effects, European Journal of Political Economy, 72(March),
D. Korenkiewicz, W. Maennig (2022), Women on a corporate board of directors and consumer satisfaction, Journal of the Knowledge Economy,
W. Maennig, S. Q. Mueller (2022), Consumer and employer discrimination in professional sports markets – New evidence from Major League Baseball, International Journal of Sport Finance, 17(4), 230-244,
W. Maennig, S. Q. Mueller (2022), Game outcome uncertainty revisited – A clustering analysis of team-specific game attendance predictions, Applied Economics,
W. Maennig, C. Sattarhoff, P. Stahlecker (2022), Retire statistical significance? Reevaluation of the employment effects of the 2006 World Cup, International Journal of Sport Finance, 17(2), 73-88.
W. Maennig, V. C. E. Schumann (2022), Prevention effect of news shocks in anti-doping policies, Journal of Sports Economics, 23(4), 431-459,
G. M. Ahlfeldt, W. Maennig, M. Steenbeck (2020), Direct democracy and intergenerational conflicts in ageing societies, Journal of Regional Science, 60(1), 129-155,
W. Beimer, W. Maennig (2020), On the Price Gap between Single Family Houses and Apartments, Journal of Housing Economics, 49(September),
G. M. Ahlfeldt, W. Maennig (2019), Gewinner und Verlierer von Stadtentwicklung: Ein Plädoyer für mehr Wohneigentum, Zeitschrift für Immobilienökonomie, 5, 111-130,
W. Maennig, C. Vierhaus (2019), Which Countries Bid for the Olympic Games? The Role of Economic, Political, Social, and Sports Determinants, International Journal of Sport Finance, 14(2), 110-126.
V. C. E. Langer, W. Maennig, F. Richter (2018), The Olympic Games as a News Shock: Macroeconomic Implications, Journal of Sports Economics, 19(6), 884-906, DOI: 10.1177/1527002517690788.
G. Ahlfeldt, W. Maennig, T. Osterheider (2017), Industrial structure and preferences for a common currency. The case of the EURO referendum in Sweden, Applied Economics Letters, 24(3), 202-206.
G. M. Ahlfeldt, W. Maennig, F. J. Richter (2017), Urban renewal after the Berlin wall: A place-based policy evaluation, Journal of Economic Geography, 17(1), 129-156.
W. Beimer, W. Maennig (2017), Noise effects and real estate prices: A simultaneous analysis of different noise sources, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 54, 282-286.
W. Maennig, C. Vierhaus (2017), Winning the Olympic host city election: key success factors, Applied Economics, 49(31), 3086-3099.
G. M. Ahlfeldt, W. Maennig (2015), Homevoters vs. Leasevoters: A Spatial Analysis of Airport Effects, Journal of Urban Economics, 87, 85-99.
G. M. Ahlfeldt, B. Franke, W. Maennig (2015), Terrorism and International Tourism: The Case of Germany, Journal of Economics and Statistics, 235(1), 3-21.
W. Maennig, M. Ölschläger, H.-J. Schmidt-Trenz (2015), Organisations and Regional Innovative Capability: The Case of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry in Germany, Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 33(4), 811-827.
G. Ahlfeldt, W. Maennig, M. Ölschläger (2014), Measuring and Quantifying Lifestyles and Their Impact on Public Choices: The Case of Professional Football in Munich, Journal of Economic and Social Measurement, 39(1-2), 59-86.
S. Brandt, W. Maennig, F. Richter (2014), Do Houses of Worship Affect Housing Prices? Evidence from Germany, Growth and Change, 45(4), 549-570.
W. Maennig (2014), Inefficiency of the Anti-Doping System: Cost Reduction Proposals, Substance Use & Misuse, 49(9), 1201-1205.
W. Maennig, M. Steenbeck, M. Wilhelm (2014), Rhythms and Cycles in Happiness, Applied Economics, 46(1), 70-78.
G. Ahlfeldt, W. Maennig (2013), External Productivity and Utility Effects of City Airports, Regional Studies, 47(4), 508-528.
A. Feddersen, W. Maennig (2013), Employment Effects of the Olympic Games in Atlanta 1996 Reconsidered, International Journal of Sport Finance, 8(2), 95-111.
A. Feddersen, W. Maennig (2013), Mega-Events and Sectoral Employment: The Case of the 1996 Olympic Games, Contemporary Economic Policy, 31(3), 580-603.
G. Ahlfeldt, W. Maennig (2012), Voting on a NIMBY Facility: Proximity Cost of an "Iconic" Stadium, Urban Affairs Review, 48(2), 205-237.
O. Bischoff, W. Maennig (2012), On the Effects of Owner-Occupied Subsidies on Housing Construction in Germany, Journal of European Real Estate Research, 5(1), 29-47.
S. Brandt, W. Maennig (2012), The Impact of Rail Access on Condominium Prices in Hamburg, Transportation, 39(5), 997-1017.
S. Brandt, W. Maennig (2012), Perceived Externalities of Cell Phone Base Stations: The Case of Property Prices in Hamburg, Germany, Environment and Planning A, 44(2), 396-410.
A. Feddersen, W. Maennig (2012), Sectoral Labour Market Effects of the 2006 FIFA World Cup, Labour Economics, 19(6), 860-869.
W. Maennig, F. Richter (2012), Exports and Olympic Games: Is there a Signal Effect? Journal of Sports Economics, 13(6), 635-641.
W. Maennig, M. Wilhelm (2012), Becoming (Un)employed and Life Satisfaction: Asymmetric Effects and Potential Omitted Variable Bias in Empirical Happiness Studies, Applied Economics Letters, 19(17), 1719-1722.
O. Bischoff, W. Maennig (2011), Rental Housing Market Segmentation in Germany According to Ownership, Journal of Property Research, 28(2), 133-149.
S. Brandt, W. Maennig (2011), Road Noise Exposure and Residential Property Prices: Evidence from Hamburg, Transportation Research Part D, 16, 23-30.
W. Maennig, M. Ölschläger (2011), Innovative Milieux and Regional Competitiveness: The Role of Associations and Chambers of Commerce and Industry in Germany, Regional Studies, 45(4), 441-452.
W. Maennig, M. Ottmann (2011), Perspektiven des deutschen Immobilienmarktes und wirtschafts-politische Herausforderungen, Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, 12(2), 192-214.
W. Maennig, M. Stobernack (2011), Do Men Slow Down Faster than Women? Review of Economics, 62(3), 263-278.
S. du Plessis, W. Maennig (2011), The 2010 FIFA World Cup High-Frequency Data Economics: Effects on International Tourism and Awareness for South Africa, Development Southern Africa, 28(3), 349-365.
W. Maennig, F. Schwarthoff (2011), Stadiums and Regional Economic Development: International Experience and the Plans of Durban, South Africa, Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 28(1), 1-16.
G. Ahlfeldt, W. Maennig (2010), Impact of non-smoking ordinances on hospitality revenues: The case of Germany, Journal of Economics and Statistics, 230(5), 506-521.
G. Ahlfeldt, W. Maennig (2010), Impact of Sports Arenas on Land Values: Evidence from Berlin, The Annals of Regional Science, 44(2), 205-227.
G. Ahlfeldt, W. Maennig (2010), Stadium architecture and urban development from the perspective of urban economics, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 34(3), 629–646.
G. Ahlfeldt, W. Maennig (2010), Substitutability and complementarity of urban amenities: External effects of built heritage in Berlin, Real Estate Economics, 38(2), 285–323.
G. Ahlfeldt, W. Maennig, H. Scholz (2010), Erwartete externe Effekte und Wahlverhalten. Das Beispiel der Münchener Allianz-Arena, Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, 230(1), 2-26.
S. Cornelissen, W. Maennig (2010), On the Political Economy of 'Feel Good' Effects at Sport Mega-events: Experiences from FIFA Germany 2006 and Prospects for South Africa 2010, Alternation, 17(2), 96-120.
D. Hilgers, W. Maennig, M. Porsche (2010), The feel-good effect at Mega Sport Events. Public and Private Management Problems informed by the experiences of the FIFA World Cup, International Journal of Business Research, 10(4), 15-29.
W. Maennig, S. du Plessis (2010), Ökonomische Wirkungen der Fußball-WM 2010. Eine erste ex-post Analyse, Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, 61(3), 262-278.
B. Suessmuth, M. Heyne, W. Maennig (2010), Induced Civic Pride and Integration, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 72(2), 202-220.
G. Ahlfeldt, W. Maennig (2009), Arenas, Arena Architecture and the Impact on Location Desirability: The Case of 'Olympic Arenas' in Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin, Urban Studies, 46(7), 1343-1362.
S. Allmers, W. Maennig (2009), Economic impacts of the FIFA Soccer World Cups in France 1998, Germany 2006, and outlook for South Africa 2010, Eastern Economic Journal, 35(4), 500–519.
A. Feddersen, L. Grötzinger, W. Maennig (2009), Investment in Stadia and Regional Economic Development - Evidence from FIFA World Cup 2006, International Journal of Sport Finance, 4(4), 221-239.
A. Feddersen, Maennig, W. (2009), Arenas Versus Multifunctional Stadiums: Which Do Spectators Prefer? Journal of Sports Economics, 10(2), 180-191.
F. Hagn, W. Maennig (2009), Large sport events and unemployment: the case of the 2006 soccer World Cup in Germany, Applied Economics, 41(25), 3295–3302.
W. Maennig (2009), Pecuniary Disincentives in the Anti-Doping Fight, Economic Analysis and Policy, 39, 349-351.
W. Maennig, St. du Plessis (2009), Sport Stadia, Sporting Events and Urban Development: International Experience and the Ambitions of Durban, Urban Forum, 20(1), 61-76.
L. Dust, W. Maennig (2008), Shrinking and growing metropolitan areas - asymmetric real estate price reactions? The case of German single-family houses, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 38(1), 63–69.
A. Feddersen, W. Maennig, P. Zimmermann (2008), The Empirics of Key Factors in the Success of Bids for Olympic Games, Revue d’Economie Politique, 118(2), 39-55.
F. Hagn, W. Maennig (2008), Employment effects of the Football World Cup 1974 in Germany, Labour Economics, 15(5), 1062-1075.
S. Jasmand, W. Maennig (2008), Regional Income and Employment Effects of the 1972 Munich Olympic Summer Games, Regional Studies, 42(7), 991-1002.
W. Maennig, T. Schicht, T. Sievers (2008), Determinants of Obesity. The case of Germany, Journal of Socio-Economics, 37(6), 2523-2534.
W. Maennig, C. Wellbrock (2008), Sozioökonomische Schätzungen Olympischer Medaillengewinne. Analyse-, Prognose- und Benchmarkmöglichkeiten (Socio-economic estimations of winning Olympic medals: Analysis, prognosis and benchmark possibilities), Sportwissenschaft, 38(2), 131-148.
W. Maennig, C. Wellbrock (2008), Sozioökonomische Medaillenberechnungen: Exakte Prognosen für alle, hinreichend genaue Prognosen für die wichtigsten Sportnationen – oder „nur“ Sollberechnungen? (Socio-economic ex-ante calculations of medals: Exact forcasts for all, sufficiently precise prognoses for the most important sporting nations – or benchmarks?), Sportwissenschaft, 38(4), 472-475.
N. Büttner, W. Maennig, M. Menßen (2007), Relationships between investment costs for infrastructure and for sport stadia: The case of the World Cup 2006 in Germany, Zeitschrift für Verkehrswissenschaft, 78(3), 145-175.
W. Maennig, S. du Plessis (2007), World Cup 2010: South African Economic Perspectives and Policy Challenges informed by the experience of Germany 2006, Contemporary Economic Policy, 25(4), 578-590.
A. Feddersen, W. Maennig, M. Borcherding (2006), The Novelty Effect of New Soccer Stadia: The Case of Germany, International Journal of Sport Finance, 1(3), 174-188.
W. Maennig (2006), Mietpreissenkungen lösen das Leerstandsproblem nicht (Reductions of rents do not solve the east german vacancy problem), Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik (Journal of Economics and Statistics), 226(3), 229-335.
W. Maennig (2005), Corruption in international sports and sport management: forms, tendencies, extent and countermeasures, European Sport Management Quarterly, 2005(2), 187-225.
A. Feddersen, W. Maennig (2004), Sporting success and capital market performance – An Event Study of Borussia Dortmund, Journal of Applied Social Science Studies, 124, 283-304.
W. Maennig (2004), Korruption im internationalen Sport: Ökonomische Analyse und Lösungsansätze (Corruption in international sports: economic analysis and solutions), Vierteljahreshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung (Quarterly Journal for Economic Research), 73, 263-291.
W. Maennig (2003), Meinungspiegelbeitrag zum Thema „Sport und Medien“ (contribution to a collection of oppinions on the subject of „Sport and media“), Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis, 2003(5), 583-598.
M. Maennig, W. Maennig (2002), Crime and Combating Crime – an Economic Perspective, New Agenda. South African Journal of Social and Economic Policy, 3(6), 25-34.
W. Maennig, G. Pfleiderer (2002), Zentralität und Bodenpreise (Centrality and land prices), Zeitschrift für Immobilienökonomie (Journal of Real Estate Economics), 1, 27-38.
W. Maennig (2002), On the economics of doping and corruption in international sports, Journal of Sports Economics, February, 61-89.
B. Wilfling, W. Maennig (2001), Exchange rate dynamics in anticipation of time-contingent regime switching: Modelling the effects of a possible delay, Journal of International Money and Finance, 20, 91-113.
W. Maennig, M. Sames (2000), Determinanten der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von Seehäfen (Determinants of competitiveness of sea ports), Zeitschrift für Verkehrswissenschaft, 71, 163-190.
W. Maennig (2000), Zur politischen Ökonomie der Hauptstadtwahl (On the political economy of the capital city vote), Hamburger Jahrbuch für Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftspolitik, 45, 61-77.
W. Maennig (2000), Zur Ökonomik der Dopingbekämpfung. Eine Replik (On the economics of doping prevention. A replica), Homo oeconomicus, XVI(3), 287-291.
W. Maennig (1999), Die Kosten- (und Nutzen-)Analyse der NATO-Erweiterung: Beispiel für die ökonomische Bewertungsproblematik von ordnungspolitischen Maßnahmen (Costs and benefits of NATO-Enlargement), ORDO – Jahrbuch für die Ordnung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, 50, 285-322.
W. Maennig, M. Stamer (1999), Ist der Strukturwandel in Deutschland zu langsam? Ein empirischer Vergleich mit den USA und Japan (Is structural change too slow in Germany? An empirical comparison with the USA and Japan), Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftswissenschaft, 50, 1-22.
W. Maennig (1998), Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Kosten-Nutzen-Analysen im Sport, (Scope and limits of cost benefit analysis in sport), Sportwissenschaft, 28(3), 311-327.
W. Maennig, J. Missbach (1998), Zur internationalen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit deutscher umweltintensiver Produkte und deutscher Umweltschutzprodukte (On the competitiveness of German environment-intensive products and of German products for environmental protection), Zeitschrift für Umweltpolitik und Umweltrecht, 21(3), 417-432.
W. Maennig, C. Thies (1998), Markt- und Wettbewerbsversagen bei der Errichtung von Güterverkehrszentren (Market and competition failure at the construction of cargo transport centers), Zeitschrift für Verkehrswissenschaft, 69(1), 1-22.
W. Maennig, St. Kuhnert, J. Naumann (1998), Formen mikrofundierter Preisstarrheiten und ihre Wohlfahrtswirkungen (Forms of micro-funded price rigidities and their welfare implications), List-Forum für Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik, 24(3), 290-306.
W. Maennig, H. Schulz (1997), Ehrenamtliche Mitarbeiter – wer sind sie und wie kann man sie motivieren? (Volunteers – who are they hand how can they be motivated?), Personal – Zeitschrift für Human Resources Management, 49, 416-421.
W. Maennig (1997), Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse des Hauptstadtumzuges (Cost benefit analysis of the captal city move), Hamburger Jahrbuch für Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftspolitik, 42, 281-312.
W. Maennig, M. Stamer, A. Gauler (1996), Der Erhalt industrieller Kerne in Ostdeutschland - Konzepte und Kritik (Conservation of industrial cores in Eastern Germany – concepts and critics), List-Forum für Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik, 22, 406-425.
W. Cezanne, W. Maennig (1994), Zur Makroökonomik der Staatsverschuldung (On the macro economics of public debt), Hamburger Jahrbuch für Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftspolitik, 39, 43-82.
W. Maennig (1991), Internationale spill-over Effekte und Koordinierung der Strukturpolitik (International spill-over effects and coordinaton of structural policies), Konjunkturpolitik, 37, 316-330.
W. Maennig (1991), Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse Olympischer Spiele in Deutschland (Cost benefit analysis of Olympic Games in Germany), List-Forum für Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik, 43, 336-362.
H. Eggerstedt, W. Maennig (1989), Strukturanpassungsprogramme und wirtschaftliche Projektionen der Weltbank - Eine theoretische und praktische Analyse (Structural adjustment program and economic projections of World Bank – a theoretical and practical analysis), Konjunkturpolitik (Applied Economic Quarterly), 35(6), 346-360.
P. Gasos, W. Maennig (1987), Sterilization Policies in the EMS Countries. An Empirical Analysis, Economics Letters, 25(3), 271-277.
W. Maennig, W. Tease (1987), Covered Interest Parity in Non-Dollar-Euromarkets, Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv), 123, 606-617.