Hamburg Contemporary Economic Discussion Papers
N° 80 | 2024 [PDF]ROHDE, N. On the crossover effects of Brexit and COVID-19 |
N° 79 | 2024 [PDF]CREUTZBURG, C. The Superstar Effect in Tennis – A within-match analysis |
N° 78 | 2024 [PDF]DÖRR, L. / MAENNIG, W. Globalization in the Food sector and Poverty |
N° 77 | 2024 [PDF]DÖRR, L. / LEPPERT, E. / MAENNIG, W. Olympic Games and Democracy |
N° 76 | 2024 [PDF]DÖRR, L. Aid and growth: Asymmetric effects? |
N° 75 | 2024 [PDF]CREUTZBURG, C. / MAENNIG, W. / MUELLER, S. Q. From bias to bliss: Racial preferences and worker productivity in tennis |
N° 74 | 2023 [PDF]MAENNIG, W. / WILHELM, S. Crime Prevention Effects of Data Retention Policies |
N° 73 | 2023 [PDF]MAENNIG, W.Centralization in National High-Performance Sports Systems: Reasons, Processes, Dimensions, Characteristics, and Open Questions [revised version in RUDERSPORT, 04-2023, 14-20] |
N° 72 | 2022 [Abstract & PDF]MAENNIG, W. / WILHELM, S.News and noise in crime politics: The role of announcements and risk attitudes [revised version in Economic Modelling, 2023, forthcoming] |
N° 71 | 2022 [PDF]MAENNIG, W.Auch in Peking 2022: Relativ schwache Medaillenausbeute der SportsoldatInnen |
N° 70 | 2021 [Abstract & PDF]MAENNIG, W. / MUELLER, S. Q.Heterogeneous consumer preferences for product quality and uncertainty [revised version in Applied Economics, 2023, 55(30), 3487-3497,] |
N° 69 | 2021 [Abstract & PDF]MAENNIG, W. / MUELLER, S. Q.Consumer and employer discrimination in professional sports markets – New evidence from Major League Baseball [revised version in International Journal of Sport Finance, 2022, 17(4), 230-244,] |
N° 68 | 2021 [Abstract & PDF]ECKERT, A. / MAENNIG, W.Pharma-Innovationen: Überragende Position der USA und Schwächen der deutschen universitären und außeruniversitären Forschung [revised version in Wirtschaftsdienst, 2021, 101(8), 652-659,, DOI: 10.1007/s10273-021-2985-3,] |
N° 67 | 2020 [Abstract & PDF]MUELLER, S. Q. / RING, P. / FISCHER, M.Excited and aroused: The predictive importance of simple choice process metrics [revised version in Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics, 2022, 15(1), 31-53] |
N° 66 | 2019 [Abstract & PDF]MUELLER, S. Q. / RING, P. / SCHMIDT, M.Forecasting economic decisions under risk: The predictive importance of choice-process data [revised version in Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics, 2022, 15(1), 31-53] |
N° 65 | 2018 [Abstract & PDF]MUELLER, S. Q.Pre- and within-season attendance forecasting in Major League Baseball: A random forest approach [revised version in Applied Economics, 2020, 52(41), 4512-4528] |
N° 64 | 2018 | 2019 [Abstract & PDF]KRUSE, F. K. / MAENNIG, W.Yellow Cards and Suspension by Choice – Determinants and Asymmetries |
N° 63 | 2017 [PDF]GROTHE, H. / MAENNIG, W.A 100-million-dollar fine for Russia's doping policy? A billion-dollar penalty would be more correct! Millionenstrafe für Russlands Doping-Politik? Eine Milliarden-Strafe wäre richtiger! [revised version in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Einspruch Magazin, 29.11.17,, featured in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung,] |
N° 62 | 2017 [Abstract & PDF]MAENNIG, W. / SATTARHOFF, C. / STAHLECKER, P.Interpretation und mögliche Ursachen statistisch insignifikanter Testergebnisse – eine Fallstudie zu den Beschäftigungseffekten der Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2006 [revised version published as W. Maennig, C. Sattarhoff, P. Stahlecker (2022), Retire statistical significance? Reevaluation of the employment effects of the 2006 World Cup in International Journal of Sport Finance, 17(2), 73-88] |
N° 61 | 2017 [Abstract & PDF]KRUSE, F. K. / MAENNIG, W.The future development of world records |
N° 60 | 2017 [PDF]MAENNIG, W.Governance in Sports Organizations [revised version in M. Breuer, D. Forrest (Eds.), 2018, The Palgrave Handbook on the Economics of Manipulation in Sport. Cham: Springer International Publishing AG, 247-256] |
N° 59 | 2017 [Abstract & PDF]AHLFELDT, G. M. / MAENNIG, W. / RICHTER, F. J.Zoning in reunified Berlin [revised version in A. Lehavi (Ed.), 2018, One Hundred Years of Zoning and the Future of Cities. Cham: Springer International Publishing AG, 123-138] |
N° 58 | 2017 [PDF]MAENNIG, W.Major Sports Events: Economic Impact [revised version in P. Downward, B. Frick, B. R. Humphreys, T. Pawlowski, J. E. Ruseski, B. P. Soebbing (Eds.), 2019, The SAGE Handbook of Sports Economics, SAGE Publications Ltd, 356-366] |
N° 57 | 2017 [PDF]MAENNIG, W.Public Referenda and Public Opinion on Olympic Games [revised version in P. Downward, B. Frick, B. R. Humphreys, T. Pawlowski, J. E. Ruseski, B. P. Soebbing (Eds.), 2019, The SAGE Handbook of Sports Economics, SAGE Publications Ltd, 367-376] |
N° 56 | 2016 [Abstract & PDF]MAENNIG, W. / WELLBROCK, C.Rio 2016: Sozioökonomische Projektion des Olympischen Medaillenrankings |
N° 55 | 2016 [Abstract & PDF]MAENNIG, W. / VIERHAUS, C.Which countries bid for the Olympic Games? Economic, political, and social factors and chances of winning [revised version in International Journal of Sport Finance, 2019, 14(2), 110-126] |
N° 54 | 2016 [Abstract & PDF]AHLFELDT, G. M. / MAENNIG, W. / STEENBECK, M.Après nous le déluge? Direct democracy and intergenerational conflicts in aging societies [revised version in Journal of Regional Science, 2020, 60(1), 129-155, DOI: 10.1111/jors.12448] |
N° 53 | 2015 [Abstract & PDF]LANGER, V. C. E.Good news about news shocks [revised version in Journal of Macroeconomics, 2016, 49, 237-246] |
N° 52 | 2015 [Abstract & PDF]LANGER, V. C. E. / MAENNIG, W. / RICHTER, F. J.News shocks in the data: Olympic Games and their macroeconomic effects – Reply [revised version (new title: The Olympic Games as a News Shock: Macroeconomic Implications) in Journal of Sports Economics, 2018, 19(6), 884-906, DOI: 10.1177/1527002517690788] |
N° 51 | 2015 [Abstract & PDF]MAENNIG, W.Ensuring Good Governance and Preventing Corruption in the Planning of Major Sporting Events – Open Issues [revised version in Transparency International (Ed.), 2016, Global Corruption Report Sport. Abingdon, New York: Routledge, 169-173] |
N° 50 | 2015 (3rd version) [Abstract & PDF]MAENNIG, W. / VIERHAUS, C.Who wins Olympic Bids? [revised version in Applied Economics, 2017, 49(31), 3086-3099] |
N° 45 | 2014 (2nd version) [Abstract & PDF]RICHTER, F. / STEENBECK, M. / WILHELM, M.The Fukushima Accident and Policy Implications: Notes on Public Perception in Germany |
N° 49 | 2013 [Abstract & PDF]AHLFEDLT, G. M. / MAENNIG, W. / RICHTER, F. J.Urban Renewal after the Berlin Wall [revised version in Journal of Economic Geography, 2017, 17(1), 129-156] |
N° 48 | 2013 [Abstract & PDF]BRANDT, S. / MAENNIG, W. / RICHTER, F.Do Places of Worship Affect Housing Prices? Evidence from Germany [Growth and Change, 2014, 45(4), 549-570; featured in Wallstreet Journal,] |
N° 47 | 2013 [Abstract & PDF]ARAGÃO, T. / MAENNIG, W.Mega Sporting Events, Real Estate, and Urban Social Economics – The Case of Brazil 2014/2016 |
N° 46 | 2013 [Abstract & PDF]MAENNIG, W. / STEENBECK, M. / WILHELM, M.Rhythms and Cycles in Happiness [revised version in Applied Economics, 2014, 46(1), 70-78] |
N° 44 | 2012 [PDF]MAENNIG, W.London 2012 – Das Ende des Mythos vom erfolgreichen Sportsoldaten |
N° 43 | 2012 [Abstract & PDF]MAENNIG, W. / WELLBROCK, C.London 2012 - Medal Projection - Medaillenvorausberechnung |
N° 42 | 2012 [Abstract & PDF]MAENNIG, W. / RICHTER, F.Exports and Olympic Games: Is there a Signal Effect? [revised version in Journal of Sports Economics, 13(6), 635-641] |
N° 41 | 2011 [Abstract & PDF]MAENNIG, W. / WILHELM, M.Becoming (Un)employed and Life Satisfaction: Asymmetric Effects and Potential Omitted Variable Bias in Empirical Happiness Studies [revised version in Applied Economics Letters, 19(17), 1719-1722] |
N° 40 | 2011 [Abstract & PDF]MAENNIG, W.Monument Protection and Zoning in Germany: Regulations and Public Support from an International Perspective [in T. Just, W. Maennig (Eds.), 2012, Understanding German Real Estate Markets. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 181-192] |
N° 39 | 2010 [Abstract & PDF]BRANDT, S. / MAENNIG, W.Perceived Externalities of Cell Phone Base Stations - The Case of Property Prices in Hamburg, Germany [revised version in Environment and Planning A, 2012, 44(2), 396-410] |
N° 38 | 2010 [Abstract & PDF]MAENNIG, W. / STOBERNACK, M.Do Men Slow Down Faster than Women? [revised version in Review of Economics, 2011, 62(3), 263-278] |
N° 37 | 2010 [Abstract & PDF]DU PLESSIS, S. / MAENNIG, W.The 2010 World Cup High-Frequency Data Economics: Effects on International Awareness and (Self-Defeating) Tourism [revised version in Development Southern Africa, 2011, 28(3), 349-365] |
N° 36 | 2010 [Abstract & PDF]BISCHOFF, O.Explaining Regional Variation in Equilibrium Real Estate Prices and Income [revised version in Journal of Housing Economics, 2012, 21(1), 1-15] |
N° 35 | 2010 [Abstract & PDF]FEDDERSEN, A. / MAENNIG, W.Mega-Events and Sectoral Employment: The Case of the 1996 Olympic Games [revised version in Contemporary Economic Policy, 2013, 31(3), 580-603] |
N° 34 | 2010 [Abstract & PDF]FISCHER, J.A.V. / SOUSA-POZA, A.The Impact of Institutions on Firms’ Rejuvenation Policies: Early Retirement with Severance Pay versus Simple Lay-off. A Cross-European Analysis |
N° 33 | 2010 [Abstract & PDF]FEDDERSEN, A. / MAENNIG, W.Sectoral Labour Market Effects of the 2006 FIFA World Cup [revised version in Labour Economics, 2012, 19(6), 860-869] |
N° 32 | 2010 [Abstract & PDF]AHLFELDT, G.Blessing or Curse? Appreciation, Amenities and Resistance around the Berlin "Mediaspree" [revised version in Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2011, 41(1), 32-45] |
N° 31 | 2010 [Abstract & PDF]FALCH , T. / FISCHER, J.A.V.Public Sector Decentralization and School Performance: International Evidence [revised version in Economics Letters, 2012, 114(3), 276-279] |
N° 30 | 2009 [Abstract & PDF]AHLFELDT, G. / MAENNIG, W. / ÖLSCHLÄGER, M.Lifestyles and Preferences for (Public) Goods: Professional Football in Munich [revised version in Journal of Economic and Social Measurement, 2014, 39(1-2), 59-86] |
N° 29 | 2009 [Abstract & PDF]FEDDERSEN, A. / JACOBSEN, S. / MAENNIG, W.Sports Heroes and Mass Sports Participation – The (Double) Paradox of the “German Tennis Boom” |
N° 28 | 2009[Abstract & PDF]AHLFELDT, G. / MAENNIG, W. / OSTERHEIDER, T.Regional and Sectoral Effects of a Common Monetary Policy: Evidence from Euro Referenda in Denmark and Sweden [revised version in Applied Economics Letters, 2017, 24(3), 202-206] |
N° 27 | 2009 [Abstract & PDF]BJØRNSKOV , C./ DREHER, A. / FISCHER, J.A.V. / SCHNELLENBACH, J.On the Relation Between Income Inequality and Happiness: Do Fairness Perceptions Matter? |
N° 26 | 2009 [Abstract & PDF]AHLFELDT, G. / MAENNIG, W.Impact of Non-Smoking Ordinances on Hospitality Revenues: The Case of Germany [revised version in Journal of Economics and Statistics, 2010, 230(5), 506-521] |
N° 25 | 2009 [Abstract & PDF]FEDDERSEN, A. / MAENNIG, W.Wage and Employment Effects of the Olympic Games in Atlanta 1996 Reconsidered [revised version in International Journal of Sport Finance, 2013, 8(2), 95-111] |
N° 24 | 2009 [Abstract & PDF]AHLFELDT, G. / FRANKE, B. / MAENNIG, W.Terrorism and the Regional and Religious Risk Perception of Foreigners: The Case of German Tourists [revised version in Journal of Economics and Statistics, 2015, 235(1), 3-21] |
N° 23 | 2008 [Abstract & PDF]AHLFELDT, G. / WENDLAND, N.Fifty Years of Urban Accessibility: The Impact of Urban Railway Network on the Land Gradient in Industrializing Berlin [revised version in Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2011, 41(2), 77-88] |
N° 22 | 2008 [Abstract & PDF]AHLFELDT, G. / FEDDERSEN, A.Determinants of Spatial Weights in Spatial Wage Equations: A Sensitivity Analysis within a Consistent Framework |
N° 21 | 2008 [Abstract & PDF]ALLMERS, S. / MAENNIG, W.South Africa 2010: Economic Scope and Limits [revised version in Eastern Economic Journal, 2009, 35(4), 500-519] |
N° 20 | 2008 [Abstract & PDF]MAENNIG, W. / WELLBROCK, C.-M.Sozio-ökonomische Schätzungen Olympischer Medaillengewinne: Analyse-, Prognose- und Benchmarkmöglichkeiten [revised version in Sportwissenschaft/The German Journal of Sports Science, 2008, 38(2), 131-148] |
N° 19 | 2008 [Abstract & PDF]AHLFELDT, G.The Train Has Left the Stadion: Real Estate Price Effects of Mainline Realignment in Berlin [revised version in German Economic Review, 2011, 12(3), 312-335] |
N° 18 | 2008 [Abstract & PDF]MAENNIG, W. / PORSCHE, M.The Feel-good Effect at Mega Sport Events - Recommendations for Public and Private Administration Informed by the Experience of the FIFA World Cup 2006 [revised version in International Journal of Business Research, 2010, 10(4), 15-29] |
N° 17 | 2008 [Abstract & PDF]AHLFELDT, G. / MAENNIG, W.Monument Protection: Internal and External Price Effects [revised version in Real Estate Economics, 2010, 38(2), 285-323] |
N° 16 | 2008 [Abstract & PDF]FEDDERSEN, A. / GRÖTZINGER, A. / MAENNIG, W.Investment in Stadia and Regional Economic Development - Evidence from FIFA World Cup 2006 [revised version in International Journal of Sport Finance, 2009, 4(4), 221-239] |
N° 15 | 2007 [Abstract & PDF]AHLFELDT, G. / FEDDERSEN, A.Geography of a Sports Metropolis [revised version in Région & Développement, 2010, 31, 12-36] |
N° 14 | 2007 [Abstract & PDF]FEDDERSEN, A. / MAENNIG, W.Arenas vs. Multifunctional Stadia - Which Do Spectators Prefer? [revised version in Journal of Sports Economics, 2009, 10(2), 180-191] |
N° 13 | 2007 [Abstract & PDF]AHLFELDT, G.A New Central Station for a Unified City. Predicting Impact on Property Prices for Urban Railway Network Extensions in Berlin [revised version in Built Environment, 2012, 38(1), 71-88] |
N° 12 | 2007 [Abstract & PDF]AHLFELDT, G.If Alonso Was Right: Accessibility as Determinant for Attractiveness of Urban Location [revised version in Journal of Regional Science, 2011, 51(2), 318-338] |
N° 11 | 2007 [Abstract & PDF]AHLFELDT, G. / MAENNIG, W.Assessing External Effects of City Airports: Land Values in Berlin [revised version in Journal of Urban Economics, 2015, 87, 85-99; revised version in Regional Studies, 2013, 47(4), 508-528] |
N° 10 | 2007 [Abstract & PDF]MAENNIG, W.One Year Later: A Re-appraisal of the Economics of the 2006 Soccer World Cup |
N° 09 | 2007 [Abstract & PDF]HAGN, F. / MAENNIG, W.Short-term to Long-term Employment Effects of the Football World Cup 1974 in Germany [revised version in Labour Economics, 2008, 15(5), 1062-1075] |
N° 08 | 2007 [Abstract & PDF]HAGN, F. / MAENNIG, W.Labour Market Effects of the 2006 Soccer World Cup in Germany [revised version in Applied Economics, 2009, 41(25), 3295-3302] |
N° 07 | 2007 [Abstract & PDF]JASMAND, S. / MAENNIG, W.Regional Income and Employment Effects of the 1972 Munich Olympic Summer Games [revised version in Regional Studies, 2008, 42(7), 991-1002] |
N° 06 | 2007 [Abstract & PDF]DUST, L. / MAENNIG, W.Shrinking and Growing Metropolitan Areas - Asymmetric Real Estate Price Reactions? The Case of German Single-family Houses [revised version in Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2008, 38(1), 63-69] |
N° 05 | 2007 [Abstract & PDF]HEYNE, M. / MAENNIG, W. / SUESSMUTH, B.Mega-sporting Events as Experience Goods [revised version in Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2010, 72(2), 202-220] |
N° 04 | 2007 [Abstract & PDF]DU PLESSIS, S. / MAENNIG, W.World Cup 2010: South African Economic Perspectives and Policy Challenges Informed by the Experience of Germany 2006 [revised version in Contemporary Economic Policy, 2007, 25(4), 578-590] |
N° 03 | 2007 [Abstract & PDF]AHLFELDT, G. / MAENNIG, W.The Impact of Sports Arenas on Land Values: Evidence from Berlin [revised version in The Annals of Regional Science, 2010, 44(2), 205-227] |
N° 02 | 2007 [Abstract & PDF]FEDDERSEN, A. / MAENNIG, W. / ZIMMERMANN, P.How to Win the Olympic Games - The Empirics of Key Success Factors of Olympic Bids [revised version in Revue d'Économie Politique, 2008, 118(2), 39-55] |
N° 01 | 2007 [Abstract & PDF]AHLFELDT, G. / MAENNIG, W.The Role of Architecture on Urban Revitalisation: The Case of "Olympic Arenas" in Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg [revised version in Urban Studies, 2009, 46(7), 1343-1362] |
N° 04/2006 [Abstract & PDF]MAENNIG, W. / SCHWARTHOFF, F.Stadium Architecture and Regional Economic Development: International Experience and the Plans of Durban [revised version in Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 2011, 28(1), 1-16] |
N° 03/2006FEDDERSEN, A. / VÖPEL, H.Staatliche Hilfen für Profifußballclubs in finanziellen Notlagen? - Die Kommunen im Konflikt zwischen Imageeffekten und Moral-Hazard-Problemen |
N° 02/2006FEDDERSEN, A.Measuring Between-season Competitive Balance with Markov Chains - An Application for European Soccer Leagues |
N° 01/2006 [Abstract & PDF]FEDDERSEN, A.Economic Consequences of the UEFA Champions League for National Championships - The Case of Germany |
N° 04/2005BÜTTNER, N. / MAENNIG, W. / MENßEN, M.Zur Ableitung einfacher Multiplikatoren für die Planung von Infrastrukturkosten anhand der Aufwendungen für Sportstätten - eine Untersuchung anhand der Fußball-WM 2006 [revised version in Verkehrswissenschaft, 2007, 78(3), 145-175] |
N° 03/2005SIEVERS, T.A Vector-based Approach to Moddeling Knowledge in Economics |
N° 02/2005SIEVERS, T.Information-driven Clustering - An Alternative to the Knowledge Spillover Story |
N° 01/2005 [Abstract & PDF]FEDDERSEN, A. / MAENNIG, W.Trends in Competitive Balance: Is there Evidence for Growing Imbalance in Professional Sport Leagues? |