Summer Term 2021
Macroeconomics I & Exercises
Lecture & Exercises
- knowledge of fundamental macroeconomic problems and simple macroeconomic models.
- strengthening your analytical abilities for problem-oriented thinking and logical deduction.
- acquisition of technical skills to solve formal economic models.
- enhancing your understanding of economic theory and your capacity to combine theory and empirical work.
Theory of Economic Growth
Lecture & Exercises
The lecture provides an introduction to the theory of economic growth. Basic knowledge in analysis and econometrics is essential to successfully participate in the course. Topics covered include: Stylized facts of economic growth, factor accumulation and technical progress, Solow-Model, convergence concepts, human capital, models of endogenous and semi-endogenous growth, poverty traps, green growth, economic growth of commodity-rich countries.
Government Debt
Lecture & Exercises
The lecture deals with various aspects of government debt. Basic knowledge in mathematics, particularly in analysis, is essential to successfully participate in the course. Topics covered include: Measurement problems, government debt and private savings, debt sustainability and sovereign default, government debt in dynamically efficient or dynamically inefficient environments, government debt and endogenous economic growth.
Time Series Econometrics
Interactive Lecture
This lecture provides an introduction to modern time series analysis. It covers basic concepts, univariate stationary processes, estimation, testing and forecasting, univariate nonstationary processes, spurious regressions, unit root tests, multivariate stationary processes, impulse response and variance decomposition analyses, Granger causality, multivariate nonstationary processes, cointegration and vector error correction models.