Winter Term 2016/2017
Makroökonomik II & Übung zu Makroökonomik II
Vorlesung & Übung
Erweiterung von Makroökonomik I um offene Volkswirtschaften, Erwartungen und Grenzfälle der Makrökonomik.
Business Cycle and Growth Policy & Übung zu Business Cycle and Growth Policy
Vorlesung & Übung
This course will introduce students to macroeconomic methods for the analysis of economic policy measures. In particular, the course will introduce and analyze models of growth (Ramsey), the business cylce (RBC), the labor market (Mortensen-Pissarides), and intergenrational transfers (Overlapping Generations). The policy measure that will be analyzed include: production factor taxation, government debt, welfare, workplace security, and social security.
New Keynesian Macroeconomics
Interaktive Lehrveranstaltung
This course introduces students to the dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models used in modern monetary macroeconomics called New Keynesian models. The basic model equations including nominal frictions such as price stickiness are derived carefully, and model solution techniques are discussed. Numerical solutions of the models are obtained and the models are simulated and analyzed using Dynare in MATLAB. Possible extensions to the core model that may be treated in class include an open economy version, a model with sticky wages, a model with capital accumulation and an analysis of optimal monetary policy.