Winter Term 2019/2020
Macroeconomics II & Exercises
Lecture & Exercises
Macroeconomics II extends the knowledge you acquired in Macroeconomics I to the fields of open economies and dynamic economic models
Classical Papers in Economics
This course presents papers that are of particular significance for the development of modern economic theory. All the papers discussed are older publications (period approx. from 1950-2000), yet they are of such fundamental importance that they are still cited in modern academic work. Both micro- and macroeconomic papers are discussed, but no econometric papers.
All the papers are in English and published in refereed scientific journals. The seminar is held in German. The seminar paper must be submitted in German.
The Fiscal Theory of the Price Level
Interactive Lecture
Between 2015 and 2021, we observed persistently low levels of inflation despite extremely expansionist monetary policies in many advanced economies. This challenges our understanding on how the price level is determined. A non-orthodox attempt to explain price level and inflation is the fiscal theory of the price level (FTPL), which has developed over the last 25 years. The lecture presents a state-of-the-art exposition of the FTPL