Recent Publications
- Hintermann, Beat and Andreas Lange, “Dynamic policy choices in presence of social norms”. Journal of Public Economic Theory (accepted).
- Minnich, Aljoscha, Hauke Roggenkamp and Andreas Lange. “Ambiguity attitudes and surprises: Evidence from a large population sample”. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (accepted).
- Minnich, Aljoscha and Andreas Lange. “Ambiguity attitudes of individuals and groups in gain and loss domains”. Theory and Decision (accepted).
- Hauge, Karen E., Snorre Kverndokk, and Andreas Lange, “Opposition to trade: Experimental Evidence”. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 227. 2024: 106743 (
- Hauge, Karen E., Snorre Kverndokk, and Andreas Lange, “On the opposition to market institutions on moral grounds”. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 11, 1244, 2024. (
- Schwirplies, Claudia and Andreas Lange, “Posted offers with charitable promises: True preferences and strategic behavior”. Games and Economic Behavior 146, 2024, 308-326 (
- Carlsson, Fredrik and Ek, Claes and Lange, Andreas. “One bad apple spoils the barrel? Public good provision under threshold uncertainty”. Experimental Economics 27, 2024, 664-686. (
- Lange, Andreas and Johannes Ross, “Internalizing Match-dependent Externalities”. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 218, 2024, 356-378. (
- Lange, Andreas, Rania Miniesy, Andreas Nicklisch, Dina Rabie, Olaf Bock and Johannes Ross, “Sharing norms and negotiations across cultures: Experimental interactions within and between Egypt and Germany”. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 210, 2023, 412-440. (
- Andor, Mark, Andreas Lange and Stephan Sommer, “Fairness and the Support of Redistributive Environmental Policies”. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 114,2022, 102682. (
- Lange, Andreas, Jan Schmitz and Claudia Schwirplies, “Inequality, role reversal and cooperation in multiple group membership settings”. Experimental Economics 25, 2022, 68-110 (