- Hofius, Maren (2022) European Union Communities of Practice: Diplomacy and Boundary Work in Ukraine. London: Routledge (DOI).
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
- Bueger, Christian, Hofius, Maren, and Edwards, Scott (2023, in press) Global Ordering and the Interaction of Communities of Practice: A Framework for Analysis. Global Studies Quarterly.
- Hofius, Maren (2023) Diplomats at the Frontlines: Knowing and Ordering in Crisis. The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, 18(1), 1-34 (DOI).
- for a review of an earlier version see Sebastian Schindler's opinion piece "Where Turns the Practice Turn? New Voices and Old Challenges"
- Hofius, Maren (2020) Towards a ‘Theory of the Gap’: Addressing the Relationship between Practice and Theory. Global Constitutionalism, 9(1), 169-182 (DOI).
- Hofius, Maren (2016) Community at the border or the boundaries of community? The case of EU field diplomats. Review of International Studies, 42(5), 939-967 (DOI). (awarded the 2017 BISA Best Article in Review of International Studies prize (Link).
- Hofius, Maren, Wilkens, Jan, Hansen-Magnusson, Hannes and Gholiagha, Sassan (2014) Lifting the Veil? Critical Norms Research, Freedom and Equality in the Context of the »Arab Spring«. A Response to Engelkamp, Glaab & Renner, Ulbert and Deitelhoff & Zimmermann. Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, 2, 85-105 [in German] (DOI).
Chapters in Edited Volumes
- Hofius, Maren (2021) Practice Approaches in International Political Theory. In: Paipais V (ed) Perspectives on International Political Theory in Europe. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 87-106 (link).
- Gholiagha, Sassan, Hansen-Magnusson, Hannes and Hofius, Maren (2021) Meaning-in-use: Zum Verhältnis von Normativität und Normalität in der Normenforschung‘. In: Katharina Glaab, Antonia Graf und Stephan Engelkamp (eds.) Kritische Normenforschung in den Internationalen Beziehungen. Neue Wege & metatheoretische Perspektiven. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 223-251 (DOI).
- Hofius, Maren (2021) Maren Hofius über Olaf Asbach: Europa. Vom Mythos zur Imagined Community. In: Niesen P and Weiß D (eds) 100 Jahre Politikwissenschaft in Hamburg: Bruchstücke zu einer Institutsgeschichte. Bielefeld: transcript, 211–216 [in German].
- Hofius, Maren (2021) The personal is always political: Interview mit Maren Hofius. In: Niesen P and Weiß D (eds) 100 Jahre Politikwissenschaft in Hamburg: Bruchstücke zu einer Institutsgeschichte. Bielefeld: transcript, 350–355 [in German].
- Hofius Maren (2020) From Global Commons to Global Arctic. Global Cooperation Research - A Quarterly Magazine, 2(3), 7-10. Duisburg: Centre for Global Cooperation Research (link).
- Hofius Maren (2019) ‘Als Frau in der Wissenschaft bin ich doppelt benachteiligt‘ – Ein Interview mit Maren Hofius. "Politik100x100" blog (link).
- Review of Olaf Asbach's "Europa - Vom Mythos zur Imagined Community?" (2011) on Politik100x100, blog of political science, University of Hamburg (link).
- Guest commentary with Thomas Linsenmaier in the Estonian daily Eesti Päevaleht on the EU's policy during the 'Ukraine crisis', published 27/3/2014.