Perceptions of Climate Policy Instruments
"Perceptions of Climate Policy Instruments" is an interdisciplinary research project led by Prof. Kai-Uwe Schnapp (Political Science) and Prof. Grischa Perino (Environmental Economics). The project is mainly interested in climate policy instruments in the electricity and industrial sectors at the EU and member state level. The EU has recently significantly increased the ambition of its climate goals. The ongoing process of revising climate policy instruments at both the EU and member state levels is critical to achieving these goals. The project aims at a better understanding of the goals, perceptions, and preferences about specific climate policy instruments from those who help shape and implement them. To accomplish this, the project is conducting qualitative interviews with individuals who are actively involved in the policy-making process and who support or influence that process. The interviews are complemented with survey-based online experiments both with policy-makers and citizens in Germany.
The research project is located in the Cluster of Excellence "Climate, Climatic Change, and Society" (CliCCS) at Universität Hamburg, which conducts basic research on climate dynamics and climate-related societal dynamics. It is part of the project: "B2 - Dynamics of Climate Governance: Norms, Contestation, and Policies".
- Duration: Seit 2019
- Project lead: Prof. Dr. Grischa Perino, Prof. Dr. Kai-Uwe Schnapp, Anne Gerstenberg, M. A., Dr. Johannes Jarke-Neuert
- Sponsor: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)