About us
The area of political science, especially methods, headed by Prof. Dr. Kai-Uwe Schnapp, is especially responsible for teaching the method modules I and II in the BA course. There, students of sociology and political science are introduced to empirical research. In cooperation with the Research Office for Social Innovation (ROSI) of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences, we enable students to participate in scientific projects that we develop and carry out with external cooperation partners.
In addition to the focus on empirical social research in research and teaching, the team is broadly based in terms of content: We research elites in politics and society, parliaments, ministerial bureaucracies, democratic regimes, electoral systems and much more.
On this website you can find out more about questions related to the research area political science, especially methods.
If you would like to write a thesis or take an exam, please take a look at the information provided.
Meet our team on the linked page.