Anne Gerstenberg, M.A.
Photo: privat
Research associate
Key aspects of activity
- CLICCS B2 - Dynamics of Climate Governance: Norms, Contestation, and Policies
Anne Gerstenberg is a doctoral researcher at the University of Hamburg in the Cluster of Excellence "Climate, Climatic Change, and Society" (CliCCS). In the interdisciplinary research project "Perceptions of Climate Policy Instruments" led by Prof. Kai-Uwe Schnapp (Political Science) and Prof. Grischa Perino (Economics), she is researching policy makers perceptions of climate policy instruments and which role they play in policy making. The project is mainly interested in climate policy instruments in the electricity and industrial sectors at the EU and member state level. The project aims at a better understanding of the goals, perceptions, and preferences about specific climate policy instruments from those who help shape and implement them. Furthermore, she is working with Prof. Katharina Zimmermann on the project "The Social Dimension of the European Green Deal".
Her research interests include European Integration, Social and Labour Policy, Gender- and Post-Colonial Studies and Environmental and Climate Policy. She has expertise in conducting qualitative and quantitative methods such as expert interviews, qualitative network analysis, regression-based policy evaluation, supervised machine learning and text-as-data analysis. In her Master’s theses, she researched Zambian Parliamentarians’ perceptions of Social Protection Policy (Maastricht) and conducted a supervised machine learning approach to study abusive language on Twitter against female Parliamentarians in Germany (Potsdam).
Anne Gerstenberg at ResearchGate.