News10 December 2024|Living with Green SpacesConstruction project in Hamburg and the importance of urban green spacesPhoto: pixabayA current construction project in Hamburg-Winterhude has sparked discussions about the future use of green courtyards, which are currently green oases...22 November 2024|Living with Green SpacesNew working paper publishedAs part of the Working Paper Series of the WiSo Research Laboratory, Tetiana Dovbischuk from the "Living with Green Spaces" project team has published...6 November 2024|Living with Green SpacesNew book on urban green space usage publishedPhoto: Taylor&Francis, RoutledgeThe 'Living with Green Spaces' team is pleased to announce the publication of the book "Urban green space usage and nature satisfaction across life...2 October 2024|Living with Green SpacesGreen spaces in cities: importance and challengesPhoto: Kartenmaterial: CORRECTIV, Vertical52, LGV HamburgA report by CORRECTIV and Vertical52 highlights that in cities like Hamburg, Leipzig, and Stuttgart, urban sealing continues to increase despite the...14 September 2024|Living with Green SpacesPresentation at the ECSR 2024 ConferenceAt the ECSR 2024 Conference in Barcelona, 'Wohnen im Grünen' presented a paper titled "The ‘equigenic’ potential of greenery in compact cities: Green...15 July 2024|Living with Green SpacesNew article, "The call of the green: The role of green spaces in residential relocations across the life course in Germany"We are happy to announce the publication of our article "The call of the green: The role of green spaces in residential relocations across the life...2 July 2024|newsLecture Series: Social Ecology of Vegetarian and Vegan Diets - Influence of Opportunities and ‘Peers‘Photo: UHHToday at 6:15 PM, Prof. Dr. Stefanie Kley invites you to a lecture on "Social Ecology of Vegetarian and Vegan Diets - Influence of Opportunities and...27 June 2024|Living with Green SpacesResearch findings presented at the London Livable Cities ConferenceAt the London Livable Cities Conference, 'Living with Green Spaces' gave a presentation titled 'The 'Equigenic' Potential of Greenery in Compact...17 June 2024|Living with Green SpacesInterview with Prof. Dr. Stefanie Kley: Green window view at home is a very important factorPhoto: privat & UHH iconIn the latest edition of the University of Hamburg's interview series "Doing the Research," the project "Living with Green Spaces" is presented. In...14 June 2024|Living with Green Spaces"Living with Green Spaces" at the European Population Conference 2024Photo: privat"Living with Green Spaces" has presented research findings on the relevance of green spaces in cities for relocation processes at the European...3 June 2024|Living with Green SpacesNew working paper published: Who benefits from green spaces in compact cities?As part of the CSS Working Paper Series, the project team "Living with Green Spaces" published a working paper titled "Who benefits from green spaces...12 May 2024|Living with Green SpacesNew article: The equigenic potential of green window views for city dwellers’ well-beingWe are happy to announce the publication of our article "The equigenic potential of green window views for city dwellers’ well-being" in Sustainable...8 May 2024|Living with Green Spaces„Living with Green Spaces“ at the Population Association of Singapore Annual Conference 2024The "Living with Green Spaces" team from the University of Hamburg will be represented at the Population Association of Singapore Annual Conference...9 April 2024|newsReport of the annual meeting of the DGD in HamburgThe DGD's annual conference entitled ‘Demographic Development in the Nordic Countries and Germany’ was held at the University of Hamburg in March.A...20 March 2024|newsConference "Demographic Development in the Nordic Countries and Germany"The international conference of the German Demographic Society (DGD) took place from 20 to 22 March 2024 in Hamburg, in cooperation with the...16 November 2023|Living with Green SpacesNature satisfaction and greenery availability in neighborhoods in Hamburg and CologneLiving in a green environment can have positive effects on mental and physical well-being, as well as residential satisfaction. Studies show that...9 November 2023|newsCall for papers for a special issueCALL FOR PAPERS FOR A SPECIAL ISSUEin Survey Methods: Insights from the Field (SMIF)Advancing Comparative Research: Exploring Errors andQuality...23 October 2023|newsDGD Annual Meeting 2024 in HamburgThe annual conference of the German Society for Demography on the topic 'Demographic Development in the Nordic Countries and Germany' will take place...28 August 2023|Living with Green SpacesGreen window views and residential satisfaction: New insights at the Congress of the Academy for SociologyFrom August 28 to 30, 2023, the fourth conference of the Academy for Sociology on the theme 'Knowledge Societies' will take place at the University of...22 August 2023|newsQuality Criteria in SociologyG. OtteT. Sawert, J. Brüderl, S. Kley, C. Kroneberg, I. Rohlfing The full article "Quality Criteria in Sociology" is now available in English by...Show all news