Flyers / ResultsPhoto: PixabayImportance of the green residential environment (German-language)This flyer provides you with insights into the results regarding the importance of green living environments in cities.Your participation is requested! (German-language)Second survey begins: Your participation is requested!Photo: PixabayPhoto: pixabayFirst results (German-language)German version can be found here.What do we need the address data for? (German-language)German version can be found here.Photo: pixabayPhoto: pixabayGreen spaces in the corona pandemic (German-language)German version can be found here.Rent or property (German-Language)German version can be found here.Photo: privatePhoto: pixabayCloseness to nature (German-language)German version can be found here.Project desription (German-language)German version can be found here.Photo: privatePhoto: pixabayWhy Hamburg and Cologne? (German-language)German version can be found here.