2024: Participation in Conferences and Workshops
16.05.-17.05. Population Association of Singapore, 2024 Annual Meeting "Sustainable Population and Development in a New Era" (Singapore);
12.06.-15.06. European Population Conference 2024 (Edinburgh, Scotland);
26.06.-28.06. Livable Cities, Conference on Issues Affecting Life in Cities (London, United Kingdom);
12.09.-14.09. European Consortium for Sociological Research (Barcelona, Spain).
2023: Participation in Conferences and Workshops
30.03.-31.03. German Sociological Association (DGS), Workshop on Current Perspectives on Spatial Mobilities (Nuremberg, Germany);
21.08.-25.08. International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies (ISQOLS) 2023 Annual Conference (Rotterdam, Netherlands);
28.08.-30.08. Knowledge Societies – 4th Conference of the Academy of Sociology (Bern, Switzerland).
06.12.-07.12. Wittgenstein Centre Conference 2023 (Vienna, Austria).
2022: Participation in Conferences and Workshops
29.06-02.07. European Population Conference EPC 2022 (Groningen, Netherlands);
22.09.-23.09. Workshop on Environmental Inequality in Europe and Beyond: Current Data and Results (Kaiserslautern, Germany);
14.11-17.11. Analytical Sociology: Theory and Empirical Applications (Venice, Italy).
2021: Participation in Conferences and Workshops
28.07. - 30.07. 2nd Meeting on Environmental Social Sciences: Challenges and Solutions for Sustainable Development (Oxford , England, online);
31.08. – 03.09. 15th European Sociological Association Conference 2021 (Barcelona, Spain, online);
29.09. – 01.10. 3rd Academy of Sociology Conference (Lepizig, Germany, online);
20.10. Research Colloquium on Sociology, Universität Bern (Bern, Switzerland);
27.10. Conference on Complex Systems 2021: Migration and Mobility Research in the Digital Era (Lyon, France, online);
08.11. – 11.11. Analytical Sociology: Theory and Empirical Applications (Venice, Italy);
05.12. – 10.12. International Population Conference (Hyderabad, India, online).
You can also find us on Bluesky (German-language)!
We have set up a profile on Bluesky, where you can keep up to date with our news and activities.

Photo: privat
Participation in Conferences and Workshops in 2024:
Population Association of Singapore, 2024 Annual Meeting "Sustainable Population and Development in a New Era" (Singapore), 16.05.-17.05.2024.
European Population Conference 2024 (Edinburgh, Scotland), 12.06.-15.06.2024.
Livable Cities, Conference on Issues Affecting Life in Cities (London, Great Britain), 26.06.-28.06.2024.
European Consortium for Sociological Research (Barcelona, Spain), 12.09.-14.09.2024.

Photo: privat & UHH icon
In the latest edition of the University of Hamburg's interview series "Doing the Research," the project "Living with Green Spaces" is presented. In the interview, Professor Dr. Stefanie Kley explains why shared green yards are important for the urban population and what positive effects they have. Read the full interview in the University of Hamburg's newsroom.

Photo: privat
Participation in Conferences and Workshops in 2023:
German Sociological Association (DGS), Workshop on Current Perspectives on Spatial Mobilities (Nuremberg, Germany), 30.03.-31.03.2023.
International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies (ISQOLS) 2023 Annual Conference (Rotterdam, Netherlands), 21.08.-25.08.2023.
Knowledge Societies – 4th Conference of the Academy of Sociology (Bern, Switzerland), 28.08.-30.08.2023.
Wittgenstein Centre Conference 2023 (Vienna, Austria), 06.12.-07.12.2023.

Photo: privat
"Liveable and Climate-Adapted: City Dwellers Desire a Lot of Green," our guest contribution in the Hamburger Abendblatt.
In a guest contribution in the Hamburger Abendblatt, we explain the significance of urban greenery for city residents and for climate adaptation. You can read the article here (in German).

Photo: F. Wöhner (v. l. n. r.: Dr. Gerrit Bauer; Prof. Dr. Katrin Auspurg; Tetiana Dovbischuk)
Participation in Conferences and Workshops in 2022:
European Population Conference EPC 2022 (Groningen, Netherlands), 29.06-02.07. 2022
Workshop on Environmental Inequality in Europe and Beyond: Current Data and Results (Kaiserslautern, Germany), 22.09.-23.09.2022
Analytical Sociology: Theory and Empirical Applications (Venice, Italy), 14.11-17.11.2022

Photo: Pixabay
Participation in Conferences and Workshops in 2021:
2nd Meeting on Environmental Social Sciences: Challenges and Solutions for Sustainable Development, 28.07. – 30.07.2021
15th European Sociological Association Conference 2021, 31.08. – 03.09.2021
3rd Academy of Sociology Conference, 29.09. – 01.10.2021
Research Colloquium on Sociology, Universität Bern, 20.10.2021
Conference on Complex Systems 2021: Migration and Mobility Research in the Digital Era, 27.10.2021
Annual Conference in Cooperation with Venice International University and Academy of Sociology. Analytical Sociology: Theory and Empirical Applications, 08.11. – 11.11.2021
International Population Conference, 05.12. – 10.12.2021

Photo: pixabay
On the occasion of the theme week "How Do We Want to Live?" the NDR TV-broadcaster interviewed Prof. Dr. Stefanie Kley and Dr. Michael Waibel. You can listen to the radio segment in the broadcaster's media library.

Photo: UHH/Hansen
Interview with Prof. Dr. Stefanie Kley: How Much Green Do People Need?
Prof. Dr. Stefanie Kley discusses the "Living with Green Spaces" project in an interview with Tim Schreiber from the University of Hamburg. You can read the interview in the following newsroom article.