Dr. Sabrina Korreck

Doktorandin an der Professur von Februar 2015 bis März 2018
Professur für BWL, insbesondere Digitale Märkte
Short Bio
Sabrina Korreck is a research assistant and doctoral candidate at the Chair of Management & Digital Markets at University of Hamburg. She studied economics, political science and sociology in both Potsdam and Tampere (Finland) and completed the Advanced Studies Program at Kiel Institute for the World Economy. Prior to joining University of Hamburg she worked as a research associate at Hertie School of Governance and as business analyst in the Berlin startup scene.
Research Interests
Innovation Management // Corporate Incubators, Accelerators & Innovation Labs // Open Foresight
Work in Progress
Corporate Incubators and Accelerators: A Qualitative Investigation into Their Deployment as Tools of Open Innovation (joint work with Prof. Dr. Piet Hausberg)
Working Papers
Hausberg, J. P., Korreck, S. (2017). A Systematic Review and Research Agenda on Incubators and Accelerators. Available at SSRN: https://papers.ssrn.com/abstract=2919340
Ehls, D., Korreck, S., Jahn, R., Zeng, M.A., Heuschneider, S., Herstatt, C., Koller, H., Spaeth, S, Open Foresight: Exploiting Information from External Sources (2016). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2764208