insb. Energie- und Umweltmanagement
Prof. Dr. Timo Busch contributes to Le Temps article on impact investments
9. August 2020
Foto: Le Temps
An article published in Le Temps in France is currently addressing the topic "The impact of sustainable finance remains modest". The article covers a paper by Kölbel, Heeb, Paetzold, and Busch (2020), who conducted a literature review on investor impact, looking at how sustainable investing contributes to societal goals. Additionally, Prof. Dr. Timo Busch was interviewed for the newspaper article, talking about impact investments and the results of the study. According to him, "sustainable finance is becoming mainstream and it's only natural that people now wonder if these investments are contributing to a better world."
In their study, the authors examined three impact mechanisms: shareholder engagement, capital allocation, and indirect impacts, concluding that the impact of shareholder engagement is well supported in the literature, while the indirect impacts lack empirical support. The authors also derived implications for investors, rating agencies, and policymakers concerning sustainable investing and impact. Read the full article here.