insb. Energie- und Umweltmanagement
Organization & Environment Call for PapersSPECIAL ISSUE: Creating Value for Stakeholders: Mechanisms, Measurements, and Performance Implications
5. Juni 2015
Organization & Environment (O&E) is recognized as a SAGE leading international journal, unique in its emphasis on the connection between management of organizations and environment. It publishes quarterly peer-reviewed research. The journal is indexed by multiple databases including, among others, the Journal Citation Report (JCR), Scopus, or EconLit. O&E is now ranked in the second quartile of the “management” and “environmental studies” fields in the prestigious JCR.
The topic of this special issue is:
Creating Value for Stakeholders: Mechanisms, Measurements, and Performance Implications
It will also be covered at the GRONEN Research Conference, held at University of Hamburg, Germany on 25-27 May, 2016. But participation in the conference is NOT a requirement for submissions to this special issue.
The guest editors are:
• Timo Busch, University of Hamburg, timo.busch[at]wiso.uni-hamburg[dot]de
• Jens Hamprecht, ETH Zurich, jhamprecht[at]ethz[dot]ch
• R. Edward Freeman, University of Virginia, freemane[at]darden.virginia[dot]edu
For further information please click here.
If you intend to submit a paper, please visit the O&E web page for the formal submission guidelines. The time period for submission of papers is:
Start: June 1, 2016
End: September 30, 2016.