News (2014)21. November 2014|VeranstaltungenPodiumsdiskussion: Berufsfeld "Nachhhaltigkeit / CSR / Public Affairs"In der Podiumsdiskussion stellen Expertinnen und Experten aus verschiedensten Branchen ihre Arbeit im Berufsfeld „Nachhaltigjkeit/ CSR/ Public...17. November 2014|Studium und LehreSPECIAL LECTUREThe chair of sustainability and management is happy to announce a special lecture from our guest, Professor Dr. Frances Bowen, Queen Mary University...14. November 2014|Studium und LehreNew call for bachelor thesisMehr Informationen zu diesem Thema finden Sie hier.12. September 2014|Wissenschaft und ForschungEGOS Call for short papersThe 31st EGOS Colloquium will take place July 2–4, 2015, in Athens (Greece). Timo Busch (University of Hamburg, Germany), Bobby Banerjee (Cass...10. September 2014|Wissenschaft und ForschungNew call for bachelor thesis for bachelor studentsMehr Informationen zu diesem Thema finden Sie hier.16. Juni 2014|Wissenschaft und ForschungNordex, RostockFoto: The team of Timo Busch and a group of students from the MIBAS (Master of International Business and Sustainability) made an excursion to the...11. Juni 2014|Wissenschaft und ForschungNew calls for thesesBachelor Thesis "Disposal of photovoltaic panels – Analysis of the status quo" – For more information please click here. Master Theses „Green bonus...26. Mai 2014|Wissenschaft und ForschungThe 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management - August 1-5, 2014 - Philadelphia, PAHow Media Visibility of Stakeholder Concerns Increases Firm RiskThis study examines the media visibility of stakeholder concerns and its effect on...7. Mai 2014|Wissenschaft und ForschungPresentation at GRONEN Research Conference 2014Timo Busch and Alice Sakhel will participate at GRONEN Research Conference 2014 in Helsinki. Alice Sakhel will present the research project “Corporate...5. Mai 2014|Wissenschaft und ForschungSub-theme at 31st EGOS ColloquiumThe 31st EGOS Colloquium will take place July 2–4, 2015, in Athens (Greece). Timo Busch (University of Hamburg, Germany), Bobby Banerjee (Cass...4. Mai 2014|Wissenschaft und ForschungGerman companies in the time of energy transitionWhile Germany has an industry based economy, the current energy turnaround (“Energiewende”) imposes new legislative and market based conditions. One...12. März 2014|Wissenschaft und ForschungCurrent calls for thesesBachelor Theses "How is the relation between climate change and climate risk management theoretically explained?" (Bachelor thesis) – For more...