Front Office
The front office in the Department of Economics liaises between the department and the office of the dean in the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences. It centrally coordinates all administrative matters. These include preparing and implementing decisions as well as answering administrative queries. It serves all members of the department.
Our task areas include:
- steering departmental resources
- financing tutorials (from the department’s budget)
- financing proofreading assistance (from the department’s budget)
- supporting committees, especially the departmental committee and the Committee for Teaching, Studies and Academic Reform (LuSt-Ausschuss) and preparing and implementing departmental committee resolutions
- departmental statements (e.g. research sabbaticals, additional gainful employment notifications for the purpose of adjunct teaching, Habilitationen [post-doctoral qualification], descriptions for special jobs)
- supporting academic search procedures
- posting news and information on the department’s home page (feel free to contact us about any of your news)
- managing rooms 2146 (conference room), 2147 (shared room SHK), and 3110 (visiting scholars’ office) Book rooms via Indico.
The Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences provides further helpful information on all administrative matters at the University on its faculty forms page.
The Academic Office Economics can help with all questions about studying and teaching.
Feel free to contact the front office with any further questions. If we cannot help directly, we are happy to refer you further.