Nachhaltigkeit & Strategie
Gesamtarbeitsaufwand | 4 Leistungspunkte |
DozentIn | Prof. Dr. Tima Bansal & Prof. Dr. Timo Busch |
ÜbungsleiterIn | - |
Lehrform | Seminar |
Beschreibung | Der Workshop, der zwei Tage vor der Nachhaltigkeitskonferenz GRONEN stattfindet, bietet Doktoranden die Möglichkeit ihre Forschungsprojekte im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit und Management mit erfahrenen Wissenschaftsexperten zu diskutieren und Feedback zu ihren Forschungstätigkeiten einzuholen. Auf dem Workshop werden die Doktoranden ihre Forschungsvorhaben vorstellen. Konzeptionell sieht der Workshop dabei vor, dass sowohl Doktoranden in einem frühen als auch fortgeschrittenen Stadium ihre Ideen und Ansätze präsentieren können. Die eingeladenen Senior-Wissenschaftler werden anschließend die Forschungsvorhaben ausführlich kommentieren. Doktoranden bekommen so ausführlich Feedback von international renommierten Experten auf dem Gebiet. Allen teilnehmenden Doktoranden wird die Möglichkeit gegeben, anschließend an der GRONEN Konferenz teilzunehmen (Kostenbeitrag: 150 EUR). |
Paper Development Workshop - Corporate Strategy and Organizational Performance
Gesamtarbeitsaufwand | 4 Leistungspunkte |
DozentIn | Prof. Bryan T. Stinchfield & Prof. Dr. Timo Busch |
ÜbungsleiterIn | - |
Lehrform | Seminar |
Beschreibung | The aim of this paper development workshop is to promote excellent PhD-research in the area of business administration and strategic management (BWL). The concept of the workshop is inspired by similar workshops held at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management. The two day workshop concentrates on improving the research design and methodology of participants’ paper-projects. Thus, this workshop is focused on academic papers; not on monographs / PhD ideas. Besides content-related discussions, students will get valuable feedback from their peers and two strategy professors. The aim is to support students in developing excellent research papers. Requirement for participation is that PhD-students work in the area of corporate strategy and/or organizational performance and that they have a paper completed so that it is almost ready for journal submission. This paper needs to be submitted prior to the workshop to Rita Streitt (see below). Each PhD-student will obtain suggestions for improvement; the idea is to move the paper to a level so that there is a high likelihood of a revise and resubmit. |
Academic Publishing
Gesamtarbeitsaufwand | 4 Leistungspunkte |
DozentIn | Prof. Dr. Timo Busch & Prof. Dr. Daniel Geiger |
ÜbungsleiterIn | - |
Lehrform | Seminar |
Beschreibung | This PhD seminar aims at promoting and facilitating the publication process in social science journals. The lectures will focus on laying out the foundations of a successful publication strategy in peer reviewed journals. Aspects that are discussed: defining target journal and audience; what is and what is not a theoretical contribution; the mix of academic rigor and relevance; different research paradigms. Based on relevant sources in the literature tips and tricks for academic publishing are presented and discussed. Each PhD student presents a short introduction to a research paper in class; based on this he/she receives feedback regarding aspects such as contribution to the literature; adequacy of the research question; the hook of the proposed research setting. Finally, practical guidance how to deal with reviews is provided based on real reviewers’ comments, editors´ decisions, and authors´ response letters. |