Schaub, Max; Auer, Daniel. “Rebel Recruitment and Migration: Theory and Evidence From Southern Senegal”. Journal of Conflict Resolution (2022)
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Chapkovsky, Philipp; Schaub, Max. “Solid support or secret dissent? A list experiment on preference falsification during the Russian war against Ukraine”. Research & Politics 9(2). (2022)
Schaub, M.. “Acute Financial Hardship and Voter Turnout: Theory and Evidence from the Sequence of Bank Working Days.”. American Political Science Review 115(4). (2021): S. 1258-1274.
Schaub, M.; Baldassarri, D.; Gereke J. . “Strangers in hostile lands: Exposure to refugees and right-wing support in Germany's eastern regions.”. Comparative Political Studies 54 (3-4). (2021): S. 686-717.
Gereke, J.; Schaub, M.; Baldassarri, D.. “Immigration, Integration and Cooperation: Experimental Evidence from a Public Goods Game in Italy.”. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 0. (2021): S. 1-28.
Helbling, M.; Auer, D; Meirerrieks, D.; Mistry, M.; Schaub, M.. “Climate change literacy and migration potential: Micro-level evidence from Africa.”. Climatic Change 169 (1). (2021): S. 9.
Schaub, M.; Baldassarri, D.; Gereke J. . “Does poverty undermine cooperation in multiethnic settings?”. Journal of Experimental Political Science 7 (1). (2020): S. 27-40.
Gereke, J.; Schaub, M.; Baldassarri, D.. “Gendered Discrimination against Immigrants: Experimental Evidence.”. Frontiers in Sociology 5. (2020)
Schaub, M.; Morisi, D.. “Voter mobilization in the echo chamber: Broadband internet and the rise of populism in Europe.”. European Journal of Political Research (2019)
Hager A.; Krakowski, K.; Schaub, M.. “Ethnic riots and prosocial behavior: Evidence from Kyrgyzstan.”. American Political Science Review 113 (4). (2019): S. 1029-1044.
Gereke, J.; Schaub, M.; Baldassarri, D.. “Ethnic diversity, poverty and social trust in Germany: Evidence from a behavioral measure of trust.”. PLOS One 13 (7). (2018)
Hakelberg, L.; Schaub, M.. “The redistributive impact of hypocrisy in international taxation.”. Regulation & Governance 12 (3). (2018): S. 353-370.
Schaub, M.. “Threat and parochialism in intergroup relations: Lab-in-the-field evidence from rural Georgia.”. Proceedings of the Royal Society B (2017): S. 284 (1865).
Schaub, M.; Sznycer, D.; Cosmides, L.; Tooby, J.; et al.. “Cross-cultural regularities in the cognitive architecture of pride.”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (8). (2017): S. 1874-1879.
Schaub, M.. “Second-order ethnic diversity: The spatial pattern of diversity, competition and cooperation in Africa.”. Political Geography 59. (2017): S. 103-116.
Schaub, M.. Cooperation under Threat: The Mobilizing Force of Ethnic Competition.. European University Institute: CADMUS, 2016.
Schaub, M.. “Lines across the desert: Mobile phone use and mobility in the context of trans-Saharan migration.”. Information Technology for Development 18 (2). (2012): S. 126-144.