Out of the Dark
„Out of the Dark“ is an international and interdisciplinary format of lectures and workshops at the Social Science Department of the University of Hamburg that investigates society from its “dark” sides, commonly known as violence, insecurity, vulnerability, precarity, conflict, disorder, or fear. Inspired by a postcolonial gesture, criminology is reshaped here as a discipline that takes on the challenge of reflecting on the conditions of our times in which uncertainty and radicalization are weaving themselves increasingly into our lives and politics.
All lectures take place at 6:00 pm.
Gäste in 2024/2025 (Wintersemester):
- Manja Präkels (Berlin) and Alexander Leistner (Universität Leipzig): Anker in die Zukunft werfen. Schreiben und Forschen in umkämpften Zonen der Demokratie in Ostdeutschland, 2 December 2024, Details (PDF)
Speakers in 2024 (Summer Term):
- Enrico Gargiulo "Internal Borders: Navigating Inclusion and Exclusion in Italy and Germany", 5. Juni 2024, Details (PDF)
- Spencer Sunshine "Neo-Nazism in the US & the Presidential Election", 29 May 2024, Details (PDF)
Speakers in 2023 (Summer Term):
- "Der Mensch als Umweltkatastrophe. Zur Gewaltsamkeit des Klimawandels",
13 April 2023, Von-Melle-Park 9, Room S07
Round table with Eddie Hartmann (Hamburger Stiftung zur Förderung von Wissenschaft und Kultur), Susanne Krasmann (Criminological Social Research, Universität Hamburg), Nils Kumkar (Socium, Universität Bremen), Tanja Busse (Moderation, Kolleg "Zukünfte der Nachhaltigkeit", Universität Hamburg). An event of the Universität Hamburg in cooperation with the Hamburger Institut für Sozialforschung.
Speakers in 2022 (Summer Term):
- Alexis Shotwell (Carleton University): "Ethical orientations toward repair in climate change", 21 April 2022, in cooperation with „Futures of Sustainability“ , poster (PDF)
Speakers in 2021/2022 (Winter Term):
- William Walters (Carleton University): "The Declassified: Notes for a Research Programme", 30 November 2021, in cooperation with the LFF Graduate Programme "Democratising Security in Turbulent Times", poster (PDF)
Speakers in 2021 (Summer Term):
- "Untaming anthropocene thinking": Claire Colebrook (Pennsylvania State University) and Marina Garcés (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya) in conversation, 29 June 2021
Speakers in 2020/2021 (Winter Term):
- Eva von Redecker (Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Fellow, University of Verona): "Kollaps als Gezeitenbruch?", 14 January 2021
- Valeria Vegh Weis (Post-doctoral Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, FU Berlin): “The Role of the Jewish Victims in the Post-Holocaust Transitional Justice Process in Germany”, discussant: Dagi Knellessen (Freelancer Historian, Berlin), 10 December 2020
- Online-Panel-Discussion (in German) „Körper, Gender und Affekt im rechten Denken der Gegenwart“ with Veronika Kracher, Gabriele Dietze and Simon Strick, supported by the UHH Lehrlabor/Teaching Lab, 10 November 2020
Speakers in 2019/2020 (Winter Term):
- Stefan Wellgraf (Kulturanthropologie, UHH): "Ethnografie rechter Gewalt. Konfrontationen im Berliner Mauerpark", 14 January 2020
- Robert Vargas (The University of Chicago): "Toward a Political Sociology of Urban Violence", 11 December 2019
- Limor Samimian-Darash (Hebrew University of Jerusalem): "Uncertainty by Design: Imagining and enacting the future through scenarios", 14 November 2019
- Matthew Light (University of Toronto): "The evolution of gun control policies in post-Maidan Ukraine", 29 October 2019
Speakers in 2019 (Summer Term):
- Christian Fuchs (Investigativ-Reporter, Die Zeit): "Das Netzwerk der Neuen Rechten", 3 June 2019
- Henrik Carlsen (Stockholm Environment Institute): "Futures Scenarios: Diversity and consistency in thinking about sustainable futures", 15 May 2019
- Douglas Booth (University of Otago): "A new materialism of the beach", 16 April 2019
Speakers in 2018/2019 (Winter Term):
- Daniel Loick (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Humboldt-Universität Berlin): "Was ist Polizeikritik?", 22 January 2019
- Edgar Pieterse (University of Cape Town): "Thinking out loud: Confronting township insecurity through place-making propositions", 17 December 2018
- Rainer Mühlhoff (Freie Universität Berlin): "Über Twitter, Trump und Trolle: Affekttheorie des neuen Autoritarismus", 14 November 2018
Speakers in 2018 (Summer Term):
- Oliver Kearns (University of Bristol): "Witnessing invisible wars. The harm of images in the dust of counter-terrorism", 26 June 2018
- Angus Nurse (Middlesex University): "Green Criminology: Averting The Environmental Apocalypse", 30 May 2018
Speakers in 2017 (Winter Term):
- Ann Morning (Sociology, NYU): "'An Ugly Word': Talking (and Not Talking) About Race in Italy and the United States", 16 January 2018
- Sveinung Sandberg (University of Oslo): "Narrative Criminology", 19 December 2017
- Charles Heller (Goldsmiths, University of London): "Ebbing and Flowing: Investigating the Shifting Modes of Violence at the EU's Maritime Frontier", 14 November 2017
- Manaf Halbouni (Künstler, Dresden): "Populismus und die Macht der Kunst", 25 October 2017
Speakers in 2017 (Summer Term):
- Saul Lehrfreund (Death Penalty Project, London): "The death penalty – Commonwealth trends, judicial reforms and future challenges", 13 June 2017
- Jean Comaroff and John Comaroff (Harvard University): "The Truth About Crime: knowledge, sovereignty, and the metaphysics of disorder", 23 May 2017
- Louiza Odysseos (University of Sussex): "The metamorphoses of human rights: disclosures of rightlessness and practices of self-formation", 25 April 2017
Speakers in 2016/17 (Winter Term):
- Austin Zeiderman (London School of Economics and Political Science): "Endangered City: Securing the Future in Bogotá", 16 January 2017
- Peter Burgess (Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris): "Digital Sovereignty", 15 December 2016
Organization: Prof. Dr. Christine Hentschel, Prof. Dr. Susanne Krasmann, Prof. Dr. Nina Perkowski, Acting Professor Dr. Nils Schuhmacher