Ehemalige Mitarbeiter
Prof. Dr. Berno Büchel
Research Interests
Social Networks, Game Theory, Microeconomics
Short Biography
Since 04/2017: Professor of Economics at Université de Fribourg
2015- 2017: Post-doc at Univ. of St. Gallen (Switzerland), Chair Prof. Dr. Buehler
2011-2015: Post-doc at Univ. of Hamburg (Germany), Chair Prof. Dr. Muehlheusser
2009 – 2011: Post-doc at Saarland University (Germany), Chair of Economic Theory
2009: Dr. rer. pol. Bielefeld University (Germany), Institute of Mathematical Economics
2006 – 2007: Visiting doctoral student at University Paris 1 – Panthéon-Sorbonne (France), Sorbonne Economic Centre (CES)
2005: Lic. rer. pol. University of Berne (Switzerland), master’s degree in Management Science (and Sociology)
Dr. Leonie Gerhards
Research Interests
Organizational economics, Overconfidence and response to feedback, Social norms and the law, Political economy, Behavioral and experimental economics
Short Biography
Since 11/2021: Lecturer in Economics (equivalent to Assistant Professor),
King’s Business School, King’s College London
2015 – 2021: Postdoc,
Department of Economics, Chair of Industrial Economics, University of Hamburg
2013 – 2015: Postdoc,
Department of Economics and Business Economics, Aarhus University
2008 – 2013: Research Assistant,
Department of Management and Microeconomics,
Chair of Organization and Management, Goethe University Frankfurt
2008 – 2013: Doctoral studies in Economics, Goethe University Frankfurt,
1st supervisor: Professor Michael Kosfeld, 2nd supervisor: Guido Friebel
2004 – 2008: Diploma studies in Economics, University of Bonn
Dr. Kathrin Thiemann
Research Interests
Microeconometrics, Educational Economics, Behavioral Economics, Experimental Ecnomics
Short Biography
Since 06/2021 Data Analyst at ALP Institut für Wohnen und Stadtentwicklung GmbH
04/2019-12/2020 Referentin für Forschungsdatenmanagement am Zentrum für nachhaltiges Forschungsdatenmanagement der Universität Hamburg
01/2017-03/2019: Postdoc, Department of Economics, Chair of Industrial Economics, University of Hamburg
09/2011 – 01/2017: Ph.D. Student,
Department of Economics, Chair of Industrial Economics, University of Hamburg
12/2010 – 8/2011: Economist,
Federal Institute of Occupational Health and Safety (BAuA), Dortmund, Germany
03/2010 - 09/2010: Intern,
Helmholtz Gemeinschaft, Brussels, Belgium
09/2008 – 09/2009: Master in International Economics,
University of Birmingham, UK
10/2004 – 08/2007: Bachelor in European Studies,
University of Osnabrueck, Germany
Dr. Igor Legkiy
Research Interests
Auction Theory, Industrial Organization, Economics of Collusion, Mechanism Design
Short Biography
Since 2017: Consultant at TWS Partners AG
2014-2017: Doctoral student and teaching assistant, University of Hamburg, Chair Prof. Dr. Gerd Mühlheußer
2012-2014: M.Sc. in Politics, Economics and Philosophy, University of Hamburg
2008-2012: B.A. in Comparative Politics, Moscow State Institute of International Relations
Dr. Stefanie Pohlkamp
Applied Microeconometrics, Industrial Economics, Game Theory, Sport Economics
- 2011-2014: Doctoral student and research assistant at Univ. of Hamburg, Chair Prof. Dr. Gerd Mühlheußer
- 2008 - 2011: Research assistant at Univ. of Bielefeld, Chair Prof. Dr. Gerd Mühlheußer
- 2008: Diploma in economics at Univ. of Osnabrück
Are football referees really neutral or do they have prejudices? Evidence from German 1st Bundesliga.
Dr. Claudia Schwirplies
Research InterestsEnvironmental, behavioral and public economics and policy
Dr. Timo Promann
Research Interests
Behavioral and experimental economics, Ethical behavior in groups and individuals interacting with social norms and reputational concerns
Short Biography
Since 2022: Doctoral student, University of Hamburg, Graduate Program “Collective Decision-Making”
2020-2022: Doctoral student and teaching assistant, University of Hamburg, Chair Prof. Dr. Gerd Mühlheußer
2017-2019: M.Sc. in Economics, University of Hamburg
2014-2017: B.Sc. in Economics, University of Hamburg
Niklas Wallmeier
Research Interests
Industrial Organization, Behavioral Economics, Sports Economics
Short Biography
Since 2021: Postdoctoral researcher, University of Hamburg, Chair Prof. Dr. Gerd Muehlheusser
2019-2021: Postdoctoral researcher, DFG project "Economic decision-making of groups"
2014-2019: Doctoral student and research assistant, University of Hamburg, Chair Prof. Dr. Gerd Muehlheusser
2011-2013: M.Sc. in Economics, University of Hamburg
2008-2011: B.Sc. in Economics, University of Hamburg
- Peer Effects Under Different Relative Performance Feedback and Grouping Procedures. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 177 (2), 178-204, 2021 (with K. Thiemann).
- Correlation Neglect and Voting Decisions: An Experiment. Economics Letters, 198, January 2021, 109656 (with J. Moser).
- The contribution of managers to organizational success: evidence from German soccer. Journal of Sports Economics, 19(6), 786-819, 2018 (with G. Muehlheusser, S. Schneemann and D. Sliwka).
- Gender differences in honesty: Groups versus individuals. Economics Letters, 128, 25-29, 2015 (with G. Muehlheusser and A. Roider).