Welcome to the website of the chair of business administration, especially sustainable investment and management!
The professorship of sustainable investment and management started in March 2020 at the University of Hamburg. Directed by Prof. Dr. Jana-Michaela Timm it also includes two PhD students and assistant researchers/student assistants. Here you can find a warm introduction to our team members.
The team of Prof. Dr. Timm and herself work on three research topics: 1) Transformational Sustainability Entrepreneurship, 2) Sustainable Business Models, and 3) Entrepreneurship Education. To make a meaningful contribution to the respective research communities the research takes an inter- & transdisciplinary research perspective and with different academic and practice partners.
The education is sustainability and practice oriented and takes place within the entrepreneurial field. The application of innovative teaching methods is undertaken to enable students’ reflective processes. Courses include for instance Transformational Sustainability Entrepreneurship as well as the interdisciplinary seminar Energy System Transformation given together with colleagues of the the MIN faculty.