Summer Term 2020
Mathematik für Volkswirtschaftslehre II (Link to STiNE)
In dieser Vorlesung erlernen Studierende der Volkswirtschaftslehre das mathematische Hintergrundwissen, welches zum Verständnis grundlegender ökonomischer Zusammenhänge für den weiteren Fortgang des Studiums benötigt wird. Die Bedeutung und Anwendbarkeit dieser Werkzeuge im weiteren Studienverlauf wird durch anwendungsbezogene Beispiele illustriert.
Further Mathematics for Economic Analysis (Link to STiNE)
This course is intended for advanced undergraduate students of economics whose mathematical requirements and interest go beyond the material of the essential methods taught in their undergraduate studies. In particular, the students learn the basic mathematical concepts for dynamic economic analysis. Dynamic systems arise frequently in economics, most prominently in the theory of economic growth, resources economics, climate systems and business cycle theory. The course is designed to be accessible to anybody who has had a basic training in mathematical analysis and linear algebra at the level of Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis.
Research Seminar "Quantitative Wirtschaftsforschung" (Link)
The research seminar "Quantitative Wirtschaftsforschung" takes place every semester. During the lecture period from the second Tuesday onwards until the second to last Tuesday international scientists present current topics in quantitative economic research. As it is a research seminar and not a course it is not possible to earn any credit points. The language of the lecture is English.