title: t(:staff_details_view) style="display:inline" href: '#', title: t(:staff_activate_details_view), role: 'button' style='display:none' aria-label=t(:staff_activate_details_view)title: t(:staff_list_view) style="display:none" href: '#', title: t(:staff_activate_list_view), role: 'button' style='display:inline' aria-label=t(:staff_activate_list_view)
Active professors

Photo: kristinblock-fotografie
Chair of Capital Markets and Management
Rentzelstraße 7
20146 Hamburg
Room: 202/203
Tel: +49 40 42838-4064
Office hours
For appointments, please contact Janine Herzberg(janine.herzberg"AT"

Photo: Claudia Gerhard, Potsdam
Chair of Financial Accounting, Auditing and Sustainability
Rentzelstraße 7
20146 Hamburg
Room: 202/203
Tel: +49 40 42838-4064
Office hours
For appointments, please contact Janine Herzberg(janine.herzberg"AT"
Research associates
Doctoral researcher
Rentzelstraße 7
20146 Hamburg
Room: 207
Doctoral researcher
Rentzelstraße 7
20146 Hamburg
Room: 204

Photo: Christian Fieberg
Lecturer, stellvertr. Gleichstellungsbeauftragte
Rentzelstraße 7
20146 Hamburg
Room: 205a
Privatdozenten and contract university teachers
Externer Dozent
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
Ludwig-Erhard-Straße 11-17
20459 Hamburg
Visiting scholars

Photo: Anthony Cheung