Wind Farm FrancopMIBAS student excursion
11 August 2016

On July 1st, Prof. Dr. Timo Busch and students from his master course “Industrial Ecology” set out for an excursion to the Wind Farm Francop located just outside of Hamburg. The wind farm is partly owned by WEB Windenergie, which is the largest community joint-venture enterprise of the wind energy sector and actively promotes the regional energy transition. On site, the managing director of WEB Windernergie, Leopold Reymaier, provided the students with information on the product life cycle of a wind turbine, the general functioning of wind power plants and the business model of his company. Following their visit to Wind Farm Francop, the students further got the opportunity to join a guided tour through one of the typical fruit farms of “Altes Land” and to taste some of the local specialities provided by the farm’s owners and their staff.