Since 2016, Dominik Vogel is junior professor of business administration, especially public management, at the University of Hamburg. His research focuses on leadership in the public sector, motivation and attitudes of public sector employees, human resource management, performance management, and citizens' interaction with the administration. He regularly publishes his research results in international journals such as the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory or Public Administration Review.
Before joining the University of Hamburg, Dominik Vogel was a PostDoc at the Chair of Public & Nonprofit Management at the University of Potsdam, where he previously worked as a research assistant from 2011 to 2016. During this time, he also wrote his dissertation on leadership in the public sector. Before that, Dominik Vogel obtained his bachelor's degree in political and administrative science at the University of Konstanz and his master's degree in administrative science at the universities of Twente (NL) and Potsdam. In 2020 he completed his habilitation in business administration. The title of the habilitation thesis is "Essays on Motivation and Leadership in the Public Sector".
In 2017 Dominik Vogel received the "Kommunalwissenschaftlicher Preis" of the Carl and Anneliese Goerdeler Foundation for his dissertation, and in 2014 - together with Prof. Dr. Alexander Kroll (Florida International University) - he received the Carlo Masini Award for Innovative Scholarship from the Public and Nonprofit Division of the Academy of Management (AoM) for the conference contribution "Prosocial Attitudes in the Public and Private Sector". He is a former grant recipient of the Cusanuswerk episcopal study grant.
Furthermore, he is a Communications Editor of the Journal of Behavioral Public Administration and a member of the Editorial Boards of Review of Public Personnel Management, Korean Journal of Policy Studies, and Public Administration Review.